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Posts posted by jarrycanada

  1. I am a strong believer in the ethical treatment of animals to some point, I don't want to hear or see animals get hurt, and I do believe happy animals make for taster meat products. but the same can be said about fast food. I don't enjoy eating fast food anymore because I know that it's some careless minds who are preparing it that have no care in the world for your health and safety. Anthony Bourdain Kitchen Confidential is a must read if you want to get into the mind set of people who work in the food and service business. it really is a eye opener book about cooking in a restaurant.


    He asks the question: who is cooking your dinner tonight.?


    and on that note: it's George R.R. Martin's dinner time.



    then you could be like these people and take it too far! "a letter from the chicken."

  2. ^^^ that dress is awesome! I'm sure she knows exactly what that pattern is, that's not just off rack from the Dress Barn.


    Please tell me if there really is a dress barn! LOL


    I got this cable package where I get CBS and NBC in different timezone. so I can PVR everything. long story short, she would show up at the end of a program telling us the viewer what the weather was, it was one of those moments I quickly had to pause because no one of my friends would believe me other wise.I think she gets it but I am not sure if her boss would get it or anyone else at CBS.



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  3. Michael Shannon was great in Nocturnal Animals, still will blind watch any of his movies he does. but the film was not my cup of tea, I did not need to see that, and was Jake Gyllenhaal book he was writing a real life story of something that happened to his character in the past or was that a fiction story he made up? for me Michael Shannon's best movie or show is still boardwalk.



    the clip i was looking for,


    Capt.Fantastic so far is the best movie to watch, will it win anything, not likely. Hell or High Water was great, Maybe watching Hacksaw on Friday. Looking forward to that one.


    Our overlook weather girl is saying it's going to get cold outside.so dress warm...


    I wounder if she knows where that dress is from?

  4. internets are going down now, shaw truck out side maybe the problem. he's fixing the "

    " that connect me to the internets.


    Got to get back to what I would like to call "plumbing"

    a good plumber is a oxymoron! it's come down to me doing my own work people!. can't trust anyone to do anything right anymore even if you pay them money to do so.



    is that Ken Marino?

  5. Michael Shannon was fantastic with that sheriff in Nocturnal Animals, but I think the supporting categories are going to PoC nominees -- it's political this year. If Michelle Williams wins, there's going to be boycotts.


    Michael Shannon is the greatest actor in the world. I love him because he said no to the studios pushing him to make more comic book movies, and i think he's a better person for doing so, after watching "Doctor Strange" last night I don't want to to see another marvel movie anytime soon. marvel making movies for 15 year olds since when ever.


    Hey but thanks for reminding me about that 'Nocturnal Animals' that maybe the one movie i may enjoy this year, almost forgot about that one. :)


    I swear I am going to lose it if that stuped ass "Deadpool" wins anything. that was my worst movie of the year, second so far is "la la land" second worst movie of the year. if your going to do a Musical you better have to great tunes man. as the sammy man would say.




    Captain Fantastic I watched Captain Fantastic the other night but it should of ended with Timothy Olyphant as a U.S. Marshal showing up with child services to take away the kids.


    Fences is the most boring movie you'll ever watch. didn't make it to the end of that one.


    looking forward to seeing Manchester By The Sea, may watch that one tonight or 'Nocturnal Animals' not sure.


    really a bad year of unmarketable movies this year, but don't you guys know that's what the oscars is all about. ;) recommeneded viewing is


  6. Looks like June and Paul will have to re-introduce themselves to each other. June is in D.C. for the Women's March. She will also be performing later to raise money for Planned Parenthood. Hats off June and all the ladies performing at the Laugh. Dance. Then Get to Work! show. Marching is exhausting and to perform after that? Whew! Love to June, Casey Wilson, Morgan Walsh, and all the other performers for their dedication to the good fight.


    That's June's memento thing she's got, she's got to look at her tattoos on her body to remember whos she's married too in the morning.


    You've got two children, your married to actor Paul Scheer, You are not in the movie sunshine! don't believe Jason's lies!



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  7. Maybe it's me, but does anyone ever remember them telling this story of Ramírez became Immortal...


    Found this in wikipedia.

    "Ramírez was born Tak-Ne in Egypt in 896 BC, and became Immortal after being run down by an out-of-control cart in the streets of his city. The fearful populace, upon learning of this, banished him, and he began to wander the world, encountering many other Immortals"


    Now knowing what I know about Egypt if you became Immortal wouldn't you be like a god! sort of kind of funny because it's like 110% what there religion believes are all about.


    This is all upsetting Dr. Zahi Hawass



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  8. I love musicals and have been listening to the soundtracks of every one we've watched so far (and the ones I've watched this year on my own). But I could live the rest of my life without hearing a song from this movie again and be perfectly happy with my choice.


    Speak for yourself but Cameron H.has recommened to me and I can't wait to see it Quadrophenia. that's got sting in it and The Who.


    What was your choice again?


    Please don't trash "The Who" anymore or I'll make you watch "The Great Rock 'n' Roll Swindle" LOL


    watch for nancys face. that is some messed up shit.


    and I love the Sex Pistols but it is fucking bad. still don't be-leave



    This is the film that gives us


    Mind you


  9. The Terminator opened at #1 in the box office. It made back 2/3 of its budget in the opening weekend and ended up with a box office gross of almost $80M (off of a budget of $6.4M). It was unequivocally a box office success and was the reason that Cameron got to make Aliens two years later.


    my only reply to that is.




    I remember that being so. then again I remember going to a Billy idol concert and the biggest problem with the local police was the size of spikes that people had wearing on them. Forget drugs or knives. you've got 6' spikes your going away! blows my mind to think about that now.

  10. I got to see this at a Movie theater. the original highlander movie was a big box office failure and made it's money back on home video years later, Pay tv, something that happen with "The terminator". It didn't do well in theaters. it was rated R and no one knew who Arnold Schwarzenegger was at the time. both movies cleaned up on home video and pay tv rights. now dvd and Blu-ray box sets.


    it's too sad that Jason hadn't seen the original film because it is so fucking good. and you can imagine how I was when I heard a second highlander movie was being made and we had got so excited to see this at a shopping mall theater in the 90s and it was Horrible! people in the theater where laughing at it. yet it's not really all that bad but should never of been made. you know they are still talking about making another one!






    What am I doing with my life.


    i have what the lnside of that suv looks like..




    it's spacious and roomy! and you can hold your sword in the door fame.


    I figured out this movie last night, it's parallel universe. all of the events in the first one had taken place in one universe but in highlander two it's another universe. and that explains why none of this movie makes fucking sense!


    ands down the best scene is when Sean Connery shows up and goes to the Scottish gentleman's store..if it's not Scottish it's crap! he stole the movie in that 5 min time frame.

  12. Maybe Paul can do a "You're So Vain"-type of charity auction and auction off the identities of the people who wanted the smurfs and green lantern eps pulled and the reasons behind their requests.


    I want asnwers for that, because those two podcasts we got told got taken down because of some bull shit copy right reason and yet now because of HOWL we get the return of those too podcasts that we got told could never been listened to because of Copy Right Reasons?



    and on the subject of the smurfs, that was the only episode of HDTGM we can have the option of watching the movie or jerking off to the adult version and still not feel like we've missed out on the movie version! LOL




    does this mean we could have the forbidding episode. dare I say it. "the happening" now?


    If they dare do the happening on HOWL I am going to be piss right off.

  13. e8sksg.jpg


    all I have to say about pay wall... and Paul Scheer, you are Earwolf, not the other way around. you could move your show to any site and we will follow you. Please don't forget that for one minute.


    Mind you I think you did that before, or did I dream it. Earwolf pop.


    any other show this marketing method could work, but with HDTGM we already have to buy the videos or movies to enjoy the show already if da pay wall came with the movies in question for free maybe I would buy into that system but we have to go out of our ways to find and collect these movies to watch them and enjoy the show. didn't enjoy giving some guy on amazon 40 dollars US to enjoy the apple. a movie i will most likely never watch again. I would of rather give that money to you Paul. No real amazon rentals here in Canada.

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