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Everything posted by StanSitwell

  1. StanSitwell

    Episode 196 β€” Power Stache

    I keep hearing this pop-rap song on the radio "Dont Tell Em" and I desperately want it to end up on the charts so that they can play it. One of the lines they repeat and I always hear is "body like the summah, touch you like no other" and the guy really says "summah", so I want Howard to be conflicted as he wont like the song but that Sultan of Summah part of him will naturally like it
  2. Loved the Spidermin 2 bit, and I had just mailed off The Amazing Spidermin 2 to redbox. Dr. Doctopus made me break out in laughter while walking down a city street
  3. StanSitwell

    Episode 92.5 β€” Minisode 92.5

    You want them to do an action movie "classic" because you didn't follow the first 10 minutes and gave up? Face/Off is based around a completely ridiculous and unbelievable premise, but it was a great movie of the time. That was in the era of solid Cage action movies, The Rock/Con-Air in there too. I will say that since I know it well, it would be fun to hear the gang rip it apart, there were a lot of lines specifically that were hilarious out of or in context. For instance, when they are perfecting this face swapping technology, they need to have Travolta's good guy character read lines they've heard Cage's character say to swap their voices out, and the line he says is about eating pussy, "Peach.... I could eat a peach for hours"
  4. StanSitwell

    Episode 307 β€” Ruth’s Ross Dress For Loss

    Listening to this made me realize that I'm shocked they went with Tenacious D as a band name, when their last names are Black and Gas respectively. To me, Black Gas is a perfect name for what their band produces
  5. StanSitwell

    Episode 92 β€” The 1st Annual Howdies Pt. 2

    The supercut of Jason's jerkoff talk has me sweating to hold in laughter at my desk right now at work. This is the content that keeps me coming back for more, so to speak
  6. StanSitwell

    Episode 306 β€” Project Funway

    Not sure if its just me, but my podcast app on an iPhone doesnt have this episode popping up. Checked for a bonus-s-s-s-s-s-s sode this morning and was bummed til I came to the good ol earwolf site, and like my grandma Harris Wittels always says, 'where there's a will, there's a Wayans'
  7. StanSitwell

    Episode 305 β€” CattleLickItUp

    start listening to Who Charted. I finally started a few weeks ago, and blew through some old episodes with guests that I love, and I'm glad I did because it made me appreciate this episode that much more
  8. StanSitwell

    Episode 305 β€” CattleLickItUp

    Yeah, if Jon Hamm is on again soon (seems its been awhiiiile) he can do the Robin Williams impersonation he did on SNL not that long ago in a bit about lost Back to the Future screen tests, and Scott can do his Pardo... Don of course, not Jimmy
  9. StanSitwell

    Episode 305 β€” CattleLickItUp

    So I dont know if everyone has heard but Don Pardo died, the announcer from SNL who famously does the "MUUUUUSICAL GUEST" intro to the show that Scott loves to do bits around. I hope you pay your respects on next week's episode Auk-dog!!
  10. more importantly, what is Bono's deductible like right now, bro?
  11. StanSitwell

    Episode 305 β€” CattleLickItUp

    I think they might raise more money for the movie finishing if the big mega rewards like the CBB guest spot/Sunny set visit were raffles for a much smaller donation. If that was say $200 donation gets you a movie download and something signed, and enters you into a drawing to win the big prize, I think a lot of somewhat well off listeners would hop in. Gino is on fire as usual, and I could use Scott/Kulap/Howie together much more often
  12. StanSitwell


    They should really force Todd Glass to have a big house party with lots of reverb and lots of live drumming, and they can record an episode at the party
  13. StanSitwell

    Episode 193 β€” The Jonah-Kremer Disconnect

    Gu Cruise shirt link is not workin...
  14. Thank you! I have to say I have a vendetta against the big bang theory and will never stoop to watching it but this chick is okay with me. Parham on the other hand is gold, I just want to crawl inside her trundle
  15. StanSitwell

    Mac and Me Music

    I am shocked it was the same composer, because I was doing situps on the ground during that chase scene and first young Marty McFly or whatever the kid in the wheelchair was named, does a very Marty-esque hitching of a ride by hanging on to the back of a truck. Then the music kicked in which I noticed immediately, so I began wondering if this movie was just a sharknado of bullcrap from other more successful movies. Now I'm upset the world never got the sequel(s) it deserved. For all we know the sequel would have them trying to travel home, but the plot and its devices would just mirror the plot of back to the future and marty trying to get home, god that would've been amazing
  16. Since there are so many ladies on these womptacular's, does anyone truly know who is doing the voices of the Asian girls? I want to say Lissler is doing the lower voice and the girl from Bang Bang Theory is doing the higher voice, but I have no freaking clue and it upsets me. I normally have no problem at all discerning what charac is coming from what person's mouth, but I'm at a loss All I wanted to say is that the two asian girls consistently bring me so many laughs, particularly the lower voice, always seems to pipe in unexpectedly with ridiculous lines
  17. StanSitwell

    Original Gangstas

    If anyone has seen the movie, they know how amazing this one would be. It has a lot of the older blaxploitation actors in it, and some younger lesser or unknowns. I want to say the comedian Godfrey is in it briefly, it has a lot of memorable ridiculous lines and a great opening narration that begs to be replayed with Paul Jason and June
  18. StanSitwell

    Episode 80 β€” Jack Frost: LIVE!

    The director, Troy Miller, was a director on Mr Show at times. When I noticed Paul F Tompkins in the intro, I looked it up on IMDB so I knew thered be a mr show connection. Seeing Jay Johnston and John Ennis didnt surprise me, but seeing the start of the Ding Dong Burgers ad made me spit out my coffee and I wasn't drinking any. What was the other clip they used, I must have missed that one?
  19. Such a great point that I didn't consider for half a second
  20. StanSitwell

    Anyone remember the one where...

    yeah the "THE END" bit was definitely Horatio as Coco Marx, which was a great ass episode for sure.
  21. StanSitwell

    Theodore Rex (1995)

    I remember seeing the cover for this when I worked at a video store back in the day, always looked like it had to be hilariously bad, the cover alone would make me laugh.
  22. StanSitwell

    Episode 303 β€” Puttering Around

    After Wainwright's turn as Mr Carp on Undeclared I thought he would blow up into a solid 'funny dad' scene stealer like Richard Jenkins, but he has not. what gives Hollywood?!
  23. Noticed that too, the paperback must have super tiny font, or I guess the hardcover could have senior citizen size font
  24. StanSitwell

    Episode 48 β€” Sleepaway Camp

    You were pleased to hear that she got stabbed in the vagina with a curling iron? I was thinking to myself "no way is that how theyre going to kill a teen girl, no way no way" and then the killer opens the thing and stabs, so I was thinking one side goes in each hole? so its even sicker?! and by the way I know I'm commenting on this years later, just caught on. sue me!