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Everything posted by StanSitwell

  1. StanSitwell

    EPISODE 386 — Titbit for Tatbit

    So happy to see those names when I updated my podcasts this morning! Also brings me great joy to hear that Odenkirk uses the "yeah yeah yeah" song from Mr Show as his ringtone, not 2 weeks ago that song just invaded my headspace out of nowhere and it forced me to fire up the old Mr Show DVDs and put that bit on. I need to remember that even if my home was just flattened by a plane crashing into it I would be laughing if I heard that tune
  2. StanSitwell

    EPISODE 385 — The Beatles of Cults

    I'm gonna hold out hope that its coming on Monday, but I too expected a nice Mr Show reunion CBB. Maybe Bob/David are touring real shows to promote it, but even so, grab Jay Johnston, Jerry Minor, PFT and Posehn and shoot the shite!
  3. StanSitwell

    Episode 1714 - Matt Walsh

    Jimmy has been on a roll lately, so many little barbs that literally make me lose my shit while driving. Last week there was "I'm not wearing a pair of Mack Weldon underwear right now... and my genitals can tell!" this week mainly the line about "Dr. Trump" being our president made me burst out and rewind it 5 times to listen to that line, also him throwing out Pat Morita, I can't say how much I love the awful references all the time Some of these better make next season's intro medley!
  4. StanSitwell

    EPISODE 258 — Spit It and Quit It

    I'm with you, I made fun of Jersey Shore cast member voices years back, and this guest voice was right in that vein. To me, it sounded like she puts forth the character of that loud girl at a party who needs to sound the loudest and drunkest even if she hasn't had a drink yet. Let's just say I felt that she was likely perfectly cast on a show with that name. I'm not perfect, I talk way too much sometimes, and I get vocal criticism so I'll give it too. I'm not going to feel like I'm being sexist, because Howard has a weird as hell voice too, the difference is that I enjoy it and it brings me happiness rather than rolling my eyes at no one
  5. StanSitwell

    EPISODE 258 — Spit It and Quit It

    "Peanuts: They'll only take you so far" -Howard Kremer
  6. StanSitwell

    EPISODE 385 — The Beatles of Cults

    To me, Big Sue sounded like a Carol Kane character, I feel like Lauren definitely took some of those vocal abnormalities from Kane's either natural accent or frequent affectation (I dont know which it is, she just always talks funny like that)
  7. StanSitwell

    EPISODE 385 — The Beatles of Cults

    I think Mulaney could have been a great talk show host, doesn't appear to be his style, but he would do fine at it. Always thought it was weird that he was never given a shot at Weekend Update since he wrote there. He's got the generic white guy with preppy hair thing going on, so I bet it was a Colin Jost situation, where Lorne probably wanted him to do it but he resisted the whole time
  8. Good point, I forgot to address that too, I love the guest coming in and being off mic. Also, there is never an issue hearing what the guest is saying at this point, I can't remember a time that I felt confused at this point in the show. You listen to the words being said by Jimmy/Matt/Garon on mic, and you hear most of the guest, and then listening to what is said afterward you can put it together. Not that you would listen to 1 schmuck on the internet saying he hates it anyways, but please don't consider changing that format, its great as it allows Jimmy to start crapping all over the guest while they don't have the ability to truly defend themselves with their own mic
  9. Definitely had to rewind Jimmy's line about his genitals feeling the difference between Mack Weldon undies and non-Mack Weldon undies a few times. You are truly a comedic fireball Mr. Padro
  10. StanSitwell

    EPISODE 359 — TofuPeople

    I didn't watch this week's yet, but now when I do I will immediately think of Shelly Driftwood. I can remember listening to this one in the car, cracking up at all the Butler references
  11. StanSitwell

    EPISODE 384 — Numbers Cannot Lie

    Me too, I reacted when PFT did the same vocal flair that I did
  12. Regarding Jimmy's wish to set up a system wherein he wont forget to get the research Garon does throughout the show by the end of the show, can't Garon just write down things he's supposed to research, and at the end of the show Jimmy swings it to mushmouth in a PTI-esque 'what did we miss' segment?
  13. I believe the last time Rust's CREEEEEEEPIES guy was on I found him annoying, but I actually liked him this time around. I think in between I began saying the word the way he does, all the time. Rust was a little shaky on staying in character this time around, but its one of those characs that gets me partly due to the fact that its not an amazing character to begin with, so some of the laughing is tongue in cheek, oh forgot its halloscream season, how about... Tongue in...... ass cheek?
  14. StanSitwell

    EPISODE 256 — Knock Ups

    I think starting out trying it in reverse order would be better. Sometimes guests are busy and don't care that much about the show I'm sure, so they can do their chart and leave, or stick around and shoot the shit with Ku Howard and Stard. Similarly if they do that and the charts go long and Kuku is needed at Schlomo Studios or whatever this online streaming property is called, she can go off and maybe Howie and Stard spend another 10-30 minutes talking about music/food/snapping in Stard's face. I like the guests most of the time even like in this case when I don't know them previously, and I like listening to these people just shoot the breeze and take conversation where it goes
  15. StanSitwell

    EPISODE 255 — An All New Era

    I think you're forgetting that the discussion on the show was almost always started by discussion of the charts. How do they get into these music topics other than "I heard the new TSwift on the radio today" if they don't have the charts as a structure of the show?
  16. StanSitwell

    EPISODE 255 — An All New Era

    You find THAT irritating?? I have found it to be distracting at times, but not irritating (unless you consider traffic erections irritating)
  17. StanSitwell

    EPISODE 382 — Doing It The Savage Way

    Ladies and gentlemen! Please welcome, Josh Fenderman and Honesty in Motion!!!!!!!!
  18. StanSitwell

    EPISODE 255 — An All New Era

    Yeah I'm with some others in thinking that the guest being a part of the discussion of music/movie charts was a lot of the fun. As long as Howie is there I will listen, but it just seems that the new method diminishes the guest's involvement. It was nice to hear a comedian rail about how much they hate that stupid cheerleader song. I'd have been fine with the charts staying the same, but in the case that it gets too stale, just pick 5 other songs to talk about, even if they're numbesr 9-14 on the charts and have never hit the top 5 and are annoying, at least it gives a new topic to discuss why something is awful The latest installment in The Chronicles of Federman was clearly The Chronicles of Federman:(dotdot) Escaping the Labyrinth of Earwolf. He's done CBB, Who Charted, and Improv4Humans too? If he appears on Yo Is this Racist then I may call in an amber alert for him to be released from imprisonment
  19. StanSitwell

    EPISODE 382 — Doing It The Savage Way

    HOLLY KULAP! Okay, to keep the earwolf family conspiracy theories alive... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PkC-q0_4gw8 please watch this ad for Sea-Bond that was always noticeable to me because the audio never matched up to the video... pay attention at the very end when the voice over does the tag line, and tell me that isnt the voice of one Better Get Sal himself, Bob Odenkirk. I tried tweeting at him to find out if its him, probably isn't, but maybe it's his brother or something?? Unmistakable cadence of Odenkirk's voice
  20. StanSitwell

    EPISODE 254 — We Go to Space to Come Right Back

    Thought this was a great ep, Mike fit in great. I love it when a guest is so un-self-important that when booked as a guest, even if they aren't a fan, they study up so they know what the dynamic and format is when they arrive. I think that suited Mike well nervous but I'm looking forward to the new format
  21. StanSitwell

    EPISODE 380 — A Colinary Journey

    The non-Homme guy really sounded like Martin Starr to me, I kept spacing and thinking it was him
  22. StanSitwell

    EPISODE 253.5 — 10/09/15 TWO CHARTED 192

    That is the only way I'll be 'fine' with this change. If the show we get is around the same length, it wouldn't really be worth it for a guest to come in to talk about 5 things about them for 15-20 minutes, so I would have rather they just extended WhoCh a little to discuss their own stuff and the guest can hang out if they want. I don't want them to not get as many good guests because the guest portion is diminished, but I will try to stop thinking about it and wait until I'm listening to it to be a pedantic child who needs to get his way...
  23. Only barely got into the interview portion but already surprised by Phil's sense of humor. I caught some of his doc about selling Raymond to Russia and wasn't wowwed by it, so I didn't think he was that funny. Maybe he just fits in with Jimmy's sense of humor really well, but either way color me happy that this one is funny. also, I want to voice my support of the show's 'ideals' about Dr Cosby, Nugent, Kim Davis, Hunting Dentist, etc.
  24. StanSitwell

    EPISODE 253 — Muckraking

    agreed, I had just finished reading the martian and heard Damon was cast in it when I saw interstellar, had no idea damon was in it either. So when he appeared as an astronaut stranded on a planet, I was like "hmmm... is this literally just a chance for him to prepare for his next role?" I think they could have spent more time bashing DeNiro in Intern talk and more time actually talking about the movie in the Martian talk, but I guess since neither had seen it they didn't have anything but their feelings on Damon to get into there
  25. StanSitwell

    EPISODE 253 — Muckraking

    I was a fan of Ravi but wasn't aware of who he was prior to listening, and I thought I recognized him from somewhere but after perusing his IMDB I'm not so sure. I honestly thought he knew Kulap personally just by their conversation, but I liked that he took the discussion into a few zones that were maybe a bit more intellectual than Who Charted normally gets. I love WhoCh, but this was a nice episode that was slightly different than normal, I don't agree with the Matt Damon bashing though. Ravi can bring up and bash on Stuck On You all he wants, but that was like a solid decade ago, maybe more... I would likely listen to a Ravi Patel fronted Earwolf podcast