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Everything posted by theyogre

  1. theyogre

    Episode 6 — Swim Toward The Light

    Sarc, I wanted to mention something about the probabilities when you have two people working together on a task. Way back in episode one or two, you made the difficulty of one person opening a door 15, and of two people openning it 8 for each of them. If each had a strength modifier of +4, then each one has a 50% chance of openning the door, with two trying in succession having a probability of 75%. For both to roll 8 or better, they only had a 72% chance of success. The problem is more pronounced if they have strength modifiers of 0. Then there is a 51% chance of openning the door if two people try in succession, but only 42% chance if two try together. You might want to change your way of assigning difficulty when people work together. Something like adding the two characters' modifiers and making one role against the same difficulty, or decreasing the difficulty by more than 1/2, would work better with the probabilities I imagine you want. Loving the show. Thanks for sharing your play with us!