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dlo burns

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Posts posted by dlo burns

  1. There is alot of examples of white gay guys being too familiar with black women. Going so far as Perez Hilton saying that every gay guy has "fierce" black woman inside of them. There's a comedian named Guy Branum who said white gay guys were just plain old white guys before they came out as gay, and have/had all of the privileges granted to white men in this society, so they can be just as racist as any Tea Party member.

    Oh yeah, he was on the show


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  2. Do you think it was pitched as that as the ultimate twist?


    I think I need to watch this with the commentary, because it just seems to be John Boorman going "What was I thinking?" over and over again....

    Most of it was "I was a bit over amtious at the time" and lots of "Yes, this effect was created in camera, since we didn't have computers in those days — and the dreadful things do everything now"


    I would say it's one of the best regular commentarys since he actually knows his own movie and explains it; as opposed to my favorite commentator ArnoldSchwarzenegger, who just tells you what's going on the screen like you're blind and he hasn't seen the movie in decades.


    Total Recall:








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  3. I am not sure I get what you are saying here...




    My point was I didn't few 300 years was enough time to be bored with life. Had it been 5293 then it would have made more sense to me.


    Oh right, I totally get what you are saying, I thought you were just questioning the dates.


    Also, 2293? What an arbitrary year. Looking on wikipedia there's nothing specific happening then.

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  4. Something that annoyed me that wasn't covered on the show was that all of the Eternals seem to possess this smothering sense of ennui that is so powerful that they feel death would be a release, but honestly, would only three hundred years be enough to engender this feeling? There are centenarians living today--without the benefit of eternal youth--who lead happy, active, and fulfilling lives. If the movie took place a couple of millennia from now I might get it, but not after a couple hundred years. Hey Eternals, get a goddamn hobby!


    Or, better yet, go ahead and have some sex. "But," I hear the Eternals whine, "the needlessness of procreation has rendered us impotent." To which I would provide them an excerpt of my Yelp review of sex, "Sometimes you can have sex and having a child isn't even the goal. Why? Because it's fun and feels pretty good too. Go nuts. P.S. If you're only doing it Missionary, you're doing it wrong."


    I mean they basically have a power point presentation about how a penis is supposed to work! What the fuck?





    Well the establishing date is right up front after Arthur's head takes a slow dive. (Also I would like to point out that the credits font usage is sooo 70's, in that quasi-LotR 'return to nature' way). The '300 years' line I'm rather sure is spoken by that Original Eternal, the one in the bed in the old folks home - also the same one saying that there was nothing to be found in space and gave the history on the Tabernacle.

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  5. Great podcast episode! Really made up for the fact that I was quite literally gagging throughout a lot of the movie.


    Did anyone else find it strange that Ms. Arnold S. was not examined or given a physical/check-up by an on-staff doctor at the pregnancy camp? Seems like something they'd probably be in the business of doing...


    I think the justification they could of given for that preg-camp was that DeVito's character knew a doc who worked there, who could give a third opinion, and keep it on the down low.

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  6. For me one of the biggest parts of the whole Bond thing are the (highly variable in quality) tie in video games, with Goldeneye obviously coming in up top, and the Tomb Raider knock off The World is Not Enough probably being the worst. So I thought there was an NES game since it was the mid 80's, but apparently I made that up. On the other hand there is a Commodore 64 one that looks stiffer than Rodger Moore.



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  7. The funniest thing is that, by all accounts, the poster has more action than most of the movie. It's a movie mostly set in a car parked in a driveway; it's like the lazy version of "Locke."

    I think that's why it would be a bad movie for them to do, since it's basically a glorified sermon with no production.

  8. I'm honored to be the SECOND Space Mutiny reference in today's HDTGM minisode. Congrats also to Blast Hardcheese. Smoke Manmuscle, you need to get your game up, son.

    I regret not registering as Roll Fizzlebeef

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  9. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=62E4FJTwSuc


    "Oh this doesn't look too bad, atleast they're finally using laser guns now. Maybe this Alternate Timelyne won't be too stupid"




    "Wait, did they just rip that bus scene off from ..."




    *head explodes*




    I'm hoping that 1) this will actually produce the level of insanity promised in this trailer 2) we could get an in-theaters podcast with this one.

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  10. I was born in 1979 and I certainly remember the time before computers did everything but surely even in the early 80s we had the ability to print large posters? Ugh, I remember billboards being hand painted though so maybe this really was a thing? Seems so insane that hiring artists to do this would be the most economical choice!


    Well if you want something to last more than a few years you're going to have to have it hand painted or find a super specialized printer.


    I think Malone doing the covers is for sign painters like a 'show only the most romantic-glamorous part of the job' hollywood thing, just like how most architects never hand draft blue prints.

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