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dlo burns

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Posts posted by dlo burns

  1. My parents used to love liver, then my mother got a liver transplant and can't eat it now because of the wastes in it. (That qualifies for irony, right?)


    I see the promos for that Crissely Knows Best show and the father seems like a very, very closeted man. And he's throwing sass around all over the place. Like one of the promos, the son says something about getting with his girlfriend, and his father (Crissley) snaps his fingers like Antwan from "Men on Films" and says, "Whatever you doing, I've already done it, baby!"


    Ok I finally looked up the show and it just seems like a glamorized remake of A Talking Cat!?!

    • Like 2

  2. Wow. I have to check out that podcast now. And yeah, that does sound like a good idea, not watching Grown Ups 2 more than once, but having hosts of other bad movie podcasts come on HDTGM. Because it does seem like there's lots of podcasts that critique and deconstruct Movies/TV Shows, but I'm hesitant to listen to them if the host(s) isn't some comedian that I'm already familiar with.


    Definitely agree with you. I know it's rather wrong of me, but I can't really enjoy a podcast if it's some random (white dude) jack-off, I need someone with at least a decade of stage experience otherwise it's just going to be monodrone-city.

  3. Okay, so I finally saw this load of shit.

    Recently some guy where I work somehow contracted tuberculosis from somewhere. So mass panic began and every single employee of the company, about, I dunno a 1000 people was forced to go through a medical test for tuberculosis and it was done in order to prevent a potential outbreak because they said it's highly contagious. So I kept thinking about that incident during the whole movie , the girl saying over and over again how it's not contagious, then having sex with Collin Farrell and I kept thinking wow, this is sooooooo full of shit.


    Did the test include a hot dicking?

  4. So I finally saw the whole thing* with the live Rifftrax, and holy hell there was some damn nonsensical editing in this film. Plus seeing it in the theater just made it much more obvious where they just inserted cgi storms over really old stock footage.


    *usually I just watched the boat part, and only got through to where the barfly was grabbing ass.

  5. I haven't fully seen Highlander II in about 15 years, but the one that is far and above worse is Highlander: The Source (2007), which while in the tv show continuity has fuck-all to do with it, and worst of all is just confusing and boring at the same time, probably making a poor match for the show.


    On the other hand, the anime Highlander: The Search for Vengeance is actually pretty damn kick-ass, starting in a new continuity it's pretty similar to the original but on a grander scale, but the animation really allows them to show off what powers being an Immortal grants. And apparently the whole thing is officially on youtube.

    • Like 1

  6. Also, at one point Sacha Baron Cohen grabs a child, asks him if he has any parents and responds with "Excellent!" when the child answers that he doesn't. Oh and the main character in this movie is made twice an orphan. This was a kids movie right?

    Seems pretty standard for a fairytale. Seriously, go to your local library and read the original Grimm's tales if they have it (most likely to be in historical --not children's) and see how damn gloomy people used to be.

  7. While there were some plot holes in the movie, the science of why he was going back in time over and over was explained in a way that would work in a sci-fi movie and the action was interesting to watch. There are numerous movies from Tom Cruise that would be better for the show (Cocktail).

    Wait, this is the one that was guerrilla filmed in Disneyworld, Edge of Tomorrow is the Cruise movie.

  8. From tvtropes.org:


    It's Older Than Radio and has been around long enough to be parodied in the play "The Critic", first staged in 1779. The term itself, however, originated in the 19th century - possibly in Australia, of all places - regarding perceived political indecision in Mexico.

    Unsurprisingly, Mexicans don't refer to this as a Mexican standoff. In fact, no quippy Spanish equivalent seems to exist at all.


    and later in the article



    A Mexican Standoff is a heightened version of what is sometimes referred to as a Hobbesian Trapexternal_link.gif (After the philosopher, not the tiger). When two (or more) parties are both able to do harm to the others, and afraid of being harmed by the others, the trap is set. A great deal of effort has gone into providing ways to safely back out of the trap, at least on the national level; "Honor", where making a pre-emptive strike causes the nation to become a pariah; mutual defence treaties, where another nation will avenge any pre-emptive strike made against their ally, in order to discourage agressors; and international organisations like the U.N., who provide a way for nations in a Hobbesian trap to reduce their conflict to a war of words rather than arms.


    So a Hob-trap seems like a better compromise


    ...or is it?

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