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dlo burns

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Posts posted by dlo burns

  1. Much like Paul, I enjoyed Ernest goes to camp as a child, but never watched another Ernest movie, until I stumbled upon a DVD box-set of Ernest movies on Amazon.(Worst $20 I ever spent.) I have since seen all Ernest movies and sadly, excluding Goes to Camp, Ernest goes to jail is probably the best one. And just as CaO: No Ernest has no love interest in the other movies. And Bobby's officer friend Chuck is also in the other Ernest movies.("Put the hammer down" is his catch phrase.) Jason,don't deny the Worrell charm.

    Did the boxset include Africa? WTF is that one about?

  2. Ta-Neshi Coates has an excellent piece basically about this, and how policing grammar is a way to police minorities (of any race)



    It would've been nice for the guests to put in a bit of effort for this one.

    I thought they did pretty fine, especially for hungover college kids who've probably never had any radio experience. I only wish they had some better mics, but it was surprisingly good for just merely using a laptop.

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  3. I'm actually showing this movie at my job for my city's public library along with another game based film, as part of a double feature to coincide with another library event. I tried to think of game movies that could best purvey game adaptation movies but there really isn't anything that shows the awesomely badness like this movie. Just trying to figure out what to pair with it.

    Maybe this will give you some ideas


  4. The entertainment industry is interesting in that you just need a job so you work on something odious, and the whole world not only sees it, but your name is literally attached to it; whereas in other industries such as insurance or government everything is mostly anonymous and everyone one the ladder can deny being part of it.

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  5. Sex is very cool but very dangerous! Special guest Amy Schumer joins Paul, June, and Jason to discuss Bruce Willis in the 1994 erotic mystery thriller Color of Night. They cover everything from the lipstick carousel, the baseball mitt chair, the sex...


    My podcast app cut off the description like this.

  6. To my knowledge during the filming and post-production process the teams behind some R rated movies take the time to shoot/edit A, B and C versions of some scenes so when the film airs on airplanes or national T.V. the content is suitable for young audiences. I have also read that Blockbuster video was very strict and didn't display/rent out movies that included unrated/un-cut/NC-17 versions of the film... Everything above the R Rating was not available in their stores.


    Blockbuster is relatively relaxed, but it's walmart that's the biggest censoring obstacle for movies (and music). I don't know if this happened where you live but here (in the USA) about ten years ago there was a trend of releasing UNRATED (too hot for theaters!) dvds for movies that were mostly pg-13 but sometimes R rated ones got it too. It was typically 'raunchy' comedies like the later American Pies, and the stuff that was added in were more nude scenes (tits and ass) that would of passed in the 80's. I don't think there's been very much in the way of violence for unrated cuts, because sex is the biggest bugbear for our moral guardians (Rob Zombie's Halloween and the Saw series are the only ones I could think of, but then they might have tits too, i dunno I hate both of them).


    I think tvtropes does a better job of explaining it http://tvtropes.org/.../UnratedEdition

  7. Ok guys, just got back from seeing this one.


    I take it all back. This thing is just...oh boy. Unintentional comedy throughout. It deserves roasting.

    So is it the type of thing to actually rile-up fundies, or are they just squawking over nothing again?

  8. Ballistic: Ecks vs. Sever and Ultraviolet MUST be covered before Equilibrium should even be considered.


    Two things:


    Ballistic: Ecks vs. Sever was based off a video game (kinda) so the movie came out and bombed, but they made a game based off the movie ... and both the games were actually pretty great (they might feel pretty dated because they were made for the GBA)


    Ultraviolet, I think that movie is un-doable for this show since the plot only takes up 10min of the movie (if that). I love the movie, but mostly just to have on as background noise whole doing chores. Although now that I think about it they probably could spend half an hour trying to decipher the goddamn rolling ball attack. Aaand because I'm an obsessive compulsive ass who has to be correct about everything I checked IMDB finding this which makes me want to track down that version.

    Against the wishes of director Kurt Wimmer, the film was completely re-edited by the studio after they saw the original version which they apparently did not like; they saw it as 'too emotional' for the action film they were expecting and re-edited it so there would be more of an emphasis on the action and to cut it down to a PG-13 rating. The edition shortened the film from its original length of 120 minutes to 88 minutes. The director was quite angry about the edition, and many fans agree that it lowered the quality of the film significantly.