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Joe McGurl

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Everything posted by Joe McGurl

  1. Joe McGurl

    #STOPTHESPOOKY ... Handbook Heads Unite

    It's HH Bingo, so you're supposed to spell out HH and not BINGO and that's why there are only two columns.
  2. Congrats to our ol pal Marshall Mellow on correctly guessing the boot this week! You may not have won the Bold prediction but it's the next best thing. Here's Probst with your prize:
  3. Good episode! Not terribly exciting or dramatic but I was glad we got to spend a little time with a tribe that wasn't Angkor this week. Okay, notes Kimmi and Monica have gotten more screentime in the first 5 minutes than they have total this season which means one of them are probably going home tonight I love Woo. I'm so glad he's back. "(Varner's) in a better place now" - Savage. Wait, do they kill the contestants after they get voted out this season? Is that the major twist? Does anyone know if this is the second chance season? I don't think Probst or any of the cast has mentioned that "Ciera this is your second chance!" - Probst. ".....yep." - Ciera Ciera doesn't even care that she is on this season and neither do I [*]Bayon wisely chooses their shortest player to be the one to reach up and unspool the ropes holding the balls. Smart call. [*]Man, the first episode that features Monica and she is blowing it for her tribe. Meanwhile, Wentworth and Woo are killing it [*]"Monica once again, VERY slow for Bayon...like it's a Sunday picnic for the church!" - Probst. [*]No one is better at chastising a tribe for losing than Probst. Bless you Jeffrey. [*]YEAH THAT'S MY KEITH BABY! YOU BET YOUR ASS HE'S THE SKEEBALL CHAMPION YEEE HAW! [*]Spencer has such great hustle. I don't think he gets enough credit for his challenge performances, he always kills it. [*]The saga of Fishbach trying to chop things continues. This is my favorite running gag http://imgur.com/73OJhIO [*]Dietz is so happy that he's got this great tribe and life is amazing, meanwhile while he's happily fishing away, his entire tribe is conspiring against him. [*] [*]I'm surprised Joe started the plan to have Dietz be the one to vote out but as I've said before, there is nothing that Joe can't do. Also his hair looked luxurious in his confessional. Just look at that shit [*] [*]"Second place is like first to us." - Woo. Oh Woo. Sweet Woo. You have no idea the irony of what you just said. [*]This is actually a really nice storyline for Woo this season. Playing for your mum always wins points from me [*]Abi thinks a tendon transplant in your knee is the equivalent of a heart transplant. Yup. Human garbage. [*]It's tiring just watching Tasha have to try and handle Abi and placate her. Major props to her for dealing with that every day [*]Oh. Fishbach. Fishy, fishy, fishy. Your negligible physical prowess is truly amazing to watch [*] [*]Man, I can't help but root for Angkor. They're such underdogs. Good for them [*]My joy for Angkor was immediately negated by realizing that I have to deal with Abi for another week [*]KEITH COMING UP BIG TWO CHALLENGES IN A ROW BABY! #HAMMERANDTHENALE #NALESMALES [*]Monica thinks going to tribal council can be good and she has no problem with going to tribal council. [*]Monica is being voted out tonight. [*]YO! Kimmi is straight up runnin and gunnin right now! I love it! If we had to sacrifice Varner to gain Kimmi, I am INTO it! [*]Honestly, Bayon's best move would be to vote out Spencer but I'm glad the target is off him tonight [*]This wasn't as surprising blindside but Monica's reaction coupled with Spencer's reaction made it a beautiful thing. [*] [*]Looks like a medevac next week and on the Ta Keo tribe! YIKES!!! Oh and everyone watch this video. I want to be best friends and drink beer with Keith so badly. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=96oSz2LQ-Sc
  4. Hmmm...I feel like I should get the Doritos JACKED 3D: Bold Prediction of the Week award this time but I feel weird giving it to myself and Ran Ran comes in GUNS BLAZING with a SPICY JALAPENO DORITOS JACKED 3D prediction of Savage going home. Game respects game. Real respects real. The winner of the Doritos JACKED 3D: Bold Prediction of the Week goes to...RanRan
  5. My bold prediction this week...Kimmi and Monica geet screentime and a...DOUBLE TRIBAL COUNCIL!!! Setting up for another tribe swap next week, this week there is only 1 tribe that will win immunity and Ta Keo easily takes it. At Angkor: The Abidook goes wild with Woo paranoia and seals her fate with Tasha and Savage. She is too much of a liability to continue moving forward and Jeff snuffs the torch of ...THE ABIDOOK. At Bayon: Spencer and Jeremy develop a tight bond and form an alliance together with Fishbach. With tribal on the line, Spencer tries to work the tribe into taking out Wigglesworth. Kimmi is on board but Monica does NOT trust Spencer and so she tells Wigglesworth that Spencer is gunning for her and that she's interested in an all girl's alliance with bringing in Fishy for this vote to take out Spence. Kimmi has no interest in this and at tribal, we say goodbye to Kelly Wigglesworth! Gone too soon, we hardly knew ye! Oh and at Ta Keo: Not a lot of screentime but Kieth probably does something endearing, Wentworth does something cute and gif-able in a confessional, Joe takes Kass down to the beach and recreates the scene in Watchmen where Dr. Manhattan travels to Mars and gives a monologue about him being able to bend all matter and reality to his will, Dietz does something macho and Ciera continues to not exist in this game.
  6. Great to be back in the popcorn gallery after a stunning 52 episode absence. Finally, this podcast starts regaining some of the high quality user generated content (aka HQUGC for my silicon valley nerds, I know you out thurr lol! ) that made it such a classic to begin with.
  7. Hey guys, my best friend has an album coming out on Friday. You can listen to it here. Okay see ya http://www.spin.com/2015/10/petal-shame-stream-premiere/?utm_source=spintwitter&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=spintwitter
  8. Hello Stephanie, it's Joe McGurl, your old friend from Bible Camp. My question is this: What is one non-food item that you wish you could eat? Also, you've famously said that you created the "Horse dance" for Gangnam Style and that Psy stole it from you when he watched you perform one night in Cabo San Lucas. Care to comment?
  9. Wow! I can't even believe it!
  10. Well, it's no surprise, guys. Much like in Survivor, you don't get far making safe moves, you get ahead making BOLD moves. No prediction is more bold than saying that the person you picked to win the game is going to be voted out; so for that reason, once again, the winner of the Doritos JACKED 3D: Bold Prediction of the Week is.....Marshall Mellow. Everyone else...I got nothin for ya, grab your stuff, head back to camp.
  11. My prediction this week is that Angkor is going to tribal again because they're a mess. The Abidook continues to stir shit up and be a wildcard but stays with Savage and Tasha and they aim to get Varner out. Jeff teams up with Woo telling him that Woo is on the chopping block they need to vote out Savage because he will be too powerful moving forward and Woo says something like, "Oh man. Wow. You're right. That's crazy." Varner tries to woo the Abidook to join he and Woo in getting out Savage and she consumes his soul or something I dunno but Abi decides not to flip and so this week, Varner is going home. I hope I'm wrong!
  12. I'd seriously fuck Honlads. Have you seen the bone structure on that guy? Holy shit
  13. Abi is the Babadook, Agata. Once it has been unleashed, there is no making it go away. You just have to make sacrificial offerings in order to appease it.
  14. Honestly in this digital age you have to be so careful about what you say or the "PC Police" is down your throat. Like in '98 I could tell a patient "Hey, I found a problem with her breasts. It's not a tumor but it's the simple fact that they aren't big enough." I say that today and now I'm a trending topic on twitter? It ain't like it used to be.
  15. Boy did I catch some heat when Mashable plastered me on their front page with the article, " This Doctor installed electrotherapy shock sensors to a coma patients bones to play a real life game of Operation." What was I supposed to do? It was a slow Tuesday and me and the boys in the OR decided to have a bit of fun and hey, the guy woke up from the coma halfway through but did I get any thanks for that? Unbelievable.
  16. this is offensive to me, I've made a career off The Bard and you're just going to disrespect him so brazenly in front of me? Wow. I was having such a good day too
  17. Not as many notes this week because I was at work and kept getting interrupted while trying to watch but overall this was a very fun episode, I thought. Lol at the newly formed Angkor tribe. They have pretty much the weakest group physically and mentally. They're fucked. Meanwhile the new Ta Keo tribe is a powerhouse and is going to run the goddamn board at challenges. Spencer's new strategy: feelings Come on Spence, you can't tell Jeremy that you haven't told your girlfriend that you love her yet...do you KNOW how much Jeremy loves his wife? No? Well, he'll tell you about it anyway Ah, the continuing saga of Fishbach trying to chop things in half and failing in massive ways continues Woah Monica gets a confessional! Joe has been at the Ta Keo camp for two seconds and has already put up hammocks for everyone and has caught a million fish and has tailored fitted survivor suits for everyone and solved the cure for the common cold Woah Ciera gets a confessional too! Keith struggling to get into the hammock was pretty much all that was shown of him this week but it was all I needed baby GOddamn, I actually really like Kass this season. What's happening Wentworth stays at the same camp, I wonder what would've happened to the hidden immunity idol that she buried if she had to move camps? Would the producers give it to her? Wentworth is very gif-able this season Angkor is already terrible. PG and Abi are fighting over who is more dry because of course they are. Amazing Lol at Varner telling the rain to fuck off Abi is VERY trustworthy and loyal you guys. She's proven this. I mean she's already voted with two different alliances at tribal Abi thinks Varner is NOT to be trusted Jeremy grabbing that hidden immunity idol was NOT smooth at all Ta Keo, as predicted is fuckin steamrolling this challenge There is nothing that Joe can't do (ps calling a strong Joe and Kass alliance making a deep run post merge.) What the hell was that from Varner at the end of the challenge? Tasha's "we got a rat" block move was pretty great lol Okay Varner, your tribe is gunning for you, what should you do? Take a nap? Yeah that works too And just like that, PG and Abi's pettiness saves Varner from being voted out Abi summed up in one gif: Varner brings up a good point at tribal. It's pretty nuts that Tasha and Savage went from being at a 4-2 vote disadvantage to running the vote. Pretty slick gameplay from them, gotta give them props. Aw PG :/ I'll miss your pretty face but hooray the Woo blindside face is back!! Abi when she successfully votes PG out THAT'S TWICE YOU WROTE MY NAME Say what you will about Abi but she's now 2-0 at voting people out who are against her. I mean, it's not like she's doing any of the real strategizing but she's been the catalyst behind them. And as we all know... I think Tasha and Savage ultimately made the right move. Abi is like having a rabid dog on your alliance. You just let her run around stirring shit up and drawing all of the attention to her while you make the moves to get people out and then when the time comes, just put her down. Also, I don't think I've ever both simultaneously hated and loved a cast member as much as Abi this season. She is very annoying but also making incredible tv.
  18. Hey stop fighting over me lol! No jk I know you aren't talking about me, just having some fun. Hard to say who goes home this week due to the tribe swap BUT I'm taking a stab in the dark and saying Kimmi. And just...please please please put Spencer and Kass together. The producers would be nuts not to. Also, the Doritos Jacked 3D: Bold Prediction of the Week goes to - TWO TIMES IN A ROW MARSHALL MELLOW Because Jeremy is my pick to win and that would be bold, right?
  19. I'm not reading any of these posts. Good ep.
  20. Jeff Varner is THE dude this season. He's getting such a good edit that I don't think he will win but he's gonna go far and goddamn it if he isn't just a lovable and entertaining southern boy! Love that Varner is already double crossing people. He's in it 100% Bold to go after Shirin and Spencer but really smart Peih Gee is pretty Abi and Spencer walk up to PG and Abi immediately says, "So what's really going on Peih Gee????" because of course she does I've become very adept at knowing when a hashtag is going to pop up on screen. Last week I knew as soon as Kass said Joega that #Joega would appear on the screen and goddammit if I didn't call #SurvivorMacGyver Bayon is so much more chill than Ta Keo, I want to live there. Joe is putting up hammocks and being superman, someone is handing out fruit slices and Keith is there giving out awesome nicknames like "Big Steve" for Fishbach. So chill Jeff is fun Savage REALLY loves his wife. Jeremy REALLY loves his wife Kass acting like a real human being with feelings is cool to see. I hope this new version keeps up because she's been kind of fun this season so far. KASS REDEMPTION ARC I DUNNO GUYS ITS SECOND CHANCES ANYTHING CAN HAPPEN Lol Fishbach can't catch a break in that tribe. "Hey everyone is crying and emotional, you think Jeremy is looking for an idol??" Talk about misreading the tone of a room Lol at Shirin and PG talking shit on Abi when she's like 2 feet away Aw man, I feel bad for Abi. I know she's crazy but that's straight up mean for everyone to just laugh at her like that. And aren't these people in her alliance wtf you guys doing Ta Keo?! Words to live by Dietz stepping up to the plate. I bet he would be a nice dad who would build me a nice treehouse to play in This is so perfect for Varner to use as ammo to boot Shirin out Oh yeah, Ciera is on this show. Oh and so is Monica. How about that There is nothing that Joe cannot do. Kimmi with the interception. Ciera pets the Idol like Gollum would the one ring Abi straight up tells Shirin that her and Spencer are going home because if you fuck with Abi, you're dead. Shirin - "so...we good?" Woo be like Kelley, how is Ta Keo doing? I'm kind of sad to see Shirin go but ultimately not bothered. I'm much more glad that Spencer stayed in the game. I love that lil rascal HOLD UP TRIBE SWAP NEXT WEEK AND 3 TRIBES NOW SAY WHAAAAA Oh my god I hope Kass and Spencer get put onto the same tribe. Kass, is this what Joe wants?
  21. Attention everyone, Marshall Mellow is coming in with the Doritos JACKED 3D: Bold Prediction of the Week!