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Joe McGurl

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Everything posted by Joe McGurl

  1. Joe McGurl

    #1 Handsome Boy Contest

    You guys just don't get it. Shakin my damn handsome head
  2. Iliza Shlesinger when she does the puppet bit with the tissue box EDIT: The Joe Mcgurl caller from the second call-in ep was probably the greatest clip of all time though
  3. I rescind the F that I gave to Jacob and give it immediately over to Hayes N Sean.
  4. Yeah, more like Jacob Cunt
  5. More like Jacob "F" cause that's the grade you get this week!
  6. Well, you're wrong, but that's okay.
  7. Great first post AND first edit!
  8. I won't disgrace this message thread by prematurely posting before the episode is actually posted. I have nothing to say. Edit: Shit.
  9. I too, George my balls off on Tuesdays
  10. Move over ChanDad, there's a new boat captain round these forums
  11. "Let's be honest though, at this point I'd be giving in to bullying if I stopped killing Jews. If anything, I'm a hero for killing the Jews." -Hitler, probably EDIT: Really proud this was my 600th post.
  12. This isn't canon
  13. Holy shit, yes! I forgot about Home Grown Tomatoes!
  14. Honlads is right. It's really an exercise in futility. I'm #1 and that's what is truly important.
  15. Who is responsible for this?
  16. Congrats on 500 great posts, Ronnie Hog AKA Rod Aug!
  17. A story like that takes me back to the golden age of the forums when we would get a Veebs short story every other week, it would seem. I'm in heaven.
  18. Joe McGurl

    EPISODE 231 — Slow Dance Party

    I think a lot of the defense for Armen recently comes from people personally attacking him. It's cool if you don't like him or don't find him funny, I don't think anyone would begrudge you for that. However, there's a stark difference between legitimate criticism and taking pot shots at his upbringing and other aspects of his personality. There are a handful of Earwolf favorites that I really don't find particularly funny or entertaining but, different strokes for different folks, and I won't take away from another person's enjoyment because *I* personally have a problem with said guest. Yes, Armen comes from a wealthy family and yes, it certainly helped him getting into show business, no doubt. That being said, it's not like Armen is a talentless hack who exploits himself via his family's position a la the Kardashians or Paris Hilton. Armen didn't just fake his way through the UCB. Considering the fact that he has been under the tutelage of Matt Besser himself, speaks volumes. Besser, as it's well known, tells it like it is and he has, on multiple occasions, come to the defense of Armen saying that he is a talented performer and comedian. I'm not even that big of a fan of Armen but the dude has got chops and can hold his own in an improv and comedy setting. You don't have to like him. You don't have to think he's funny. But you also don't have to take cheap shots at his personal life tl;dr - Don't be a dick
  19. I was merely stating that I wasn't sure of your gender but now that I know that you're a man and have reservations about being called a woman, I shall now only think of you and refer to you as a woman. It's 2015 and being a woman is very "in" right now so wear that as a badge of honor.
  20. You're a real trendsetter, my man (or woman...your gender has not been made clear) and this trend clearly has had some benefits! Shoutout to twb.cool
  21. Great talk about apartments and pricing this week, gang. Super interesting read!
  22. Freja, do what you want, you don't have to answer to these nerds
  23. Who is responsible for this?
  24. Joe McGurl

    EPISODE 231 — Slow Dance Party

    Armen is funnier than all of you
  25. I thought about that as I was listening. Boy, this is Sean and Hayes at their most full blown Sean and Hayes and Scott JUST told people to come listen to the show this week. I love it.