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Joe McGurl

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Everything posted by Joe McGurl

  1. I laughed at this episode more than twice - Joe McGurl
  2. I made it with a woman of African American heritage once...does that qualify me?
  3. Joe McGurl

    A request.

    I only skimmed through this but I liked the part about play-doh
  4. You'll always be relevant to me, Frey Bae.
  5. This song reminds me of Halloween, so you know that it's really spooky and maybe a little scary to listen to it but it's a fucking cracker and The Joy Formidable are aces.
  6. I got this in a snapchat from my friend today. I'm the tubster on the right. Edit: Y dat so smallz? Open in new tabz?
  7. "I laughed at this episode more than once" -Joe McGurl
  8. Great game, can't believe how many points my team scored. I'm a fan of the game and I love watching it. Of all the games, it's definitely my favorite and I love being a fan!
  9. Just gotta say that everyone is killing the birthday posts on Tim's Facebook. Been having good loffs all day at them. Also, fuck you Tim. Happy Birthday or some shit.
  10. Jezzica, It's called the Daily Show but it only airs Monday-Friday...I'm no expert on days of the week but that doesn't sound like it's DAILY. Care to explain? All the best, Brad Pitt
  11. Sounds pretty fucking stupid to me -Gremlack Prunk The Gargoyle Boyz
  12. But I don't disagree, I would vote to kick me out too, it's tough having this much handsome in a forum...I get it.
  13. The "Apparently" kid is from right outside my home town so, APPARENTLY, I'm famous by association. #coolguyalert
  14. yeah man! It's a great show, loads of fun. Unfortunately tonight is the last performance, just a one weekend engagement
  15. In my defense, I've been killing it on the Facebook lately, Freja, so your stalking is warranted and appreciated.
  16. Sorry, that I haven't been around lately guys, I've been running in a heated gubernatorial campaign for both Texas and Florida. Going for the holy trinity of Pennsyvlania, Texas and Florida governor seats at once. Anyway, everyone needs to be watching The Quest. It's bonkers and so amazingly cringe worthy.
  17. Tim's LIFE is a standup comedy! *rimshot* *jump shot* *gun shot* *head shot* Three points!
  18. You were fuggin wild bro. You totally puked into Katie Timolia's sweatshirt and then put it on calling yourself "slimy boy." Shit was totally fukked up. You were totes party MVP though, we all voted and agreed on that. Fuggin crazy cray when you tied everyone up in Trevor's living room and gave a 1.5 hour long rant about how "Hitler was right." EPIC! SO EPIC!
  19. Here is a pic of me and my D. Enjoy boo
  20. This may be a derisive and unpopular opinion but...I enjoyed this episode greatly.
  21. I liked the engagement on Facebook but I'll say congratulations to Sean in the forums so he knows that I really mean it
  22. Who cares about Andy? He had his time to shine (just kidding, I care. Still super awesome)
  23. Dear SinBad, when did you decide to officially make the change from SinGood and has it been a fruitful change knowing that you can be bad without consequence because it's in your name? Also: Can you comment on the rumors of the Spin City reboot starring you called Sin City?
  24. I haven't read like anything you guys wrote this week but I'm giving you all invisible likes based on merit. Well done, all. I'm proud of you.