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Joe McGurl

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Posts posted by Joe McGurl

  1. Winner Pick: Jeremy - I think Jeremy is looking good coming into the season. He's physical, smart and has a good alliance already filled with alpha males who will get picked off before him post merge.


    Challenge Beast: Joe - I think Joe is probably going to have a similar fate as last season where he just kills it in the pre-merge game but is too much of a threat to bring into the later game. That said, dude is THE challenge beast.


    The Strategist: Terry Dietz - He reminds me of someone who would be an FBI Agent...maybe it's just because he said "dossier." But I like his stuff


    The Black Widow: Wentworth - She was barely a blip on the radar her first time through and is already looking really strong making a play at the hidden immunity idol. I like her chances this year


    The Old Schooler: Keith - You just don't get much more goddamn old school than Keith


    Under The Radar: Peih-Gee


    Wildcard: Varner and Kass


    Two Utility Spots: Savage and Woo


    The Bench: Tasha and Spencer

    • Like 4

  2. As the title suggests, this is a place to discuss the new season of Survivor.


    I thought it was a pretty great premiere and I'm stoked for this season.


    Early thoughts:


    Bayon is going to run the board on Ta Keo in challenges so I suspect a tribe swap to happen pretty quickly especially with Vytas gone as he was one of Ta Keo's strongest competitors.


    Abi Maria..ugh.


    I could've watched Fishbach try to chop that log for another solid 5 minutes.


    I like Varner's "balls to the wall" attitude and isn't just being complacent because he hasn't played in 15 years


    Woo's surprised face is the best face.


    My predictions for final 3: Keith, Jeremy, Kelley Wentworth



    Also, stealing this from Parade but it's essentially a Survivor fantasy draft. I'm not organized enough to keep track of points but I think it would just be interesting to see people's picks. I'll put my picks on my next post.


    Winner Pick: The player who will win this season.

    Challenge Beast: Someone with a reputation for his or her challenge prowess.

    The Strategist: Players known for his or her strategic aptitude.

    The Black Widow: In honor of Parvati Shallow, who is on location; this is a player who might be underrated or not so front-of-mind from her first season, and can therefore sneak her way to the top.

    The Old Schooler: Either a player from an earlier era of Survivor, or a newer player who has that old school mindset.

    Under The Radar: Someone entering Second Chance aiming to play an undetectable game.

    Wildcard: A player who is completely unpredictable at this point in time.

    Two Utility Spots: The two players who could potentially fit in most of those categories for any number of reasons, people who are strong in the clutch.

    The Bench: The final two picks of the draft by default.

    • Like 5

  3. I think I'm becoming too emotionally involved in this podcast/forum. Due to Hayes's recent PCG prompt, implying that he might have read some of our dog-musician puns, I am now overcome with fear that Hayes might have seen my puggpound post, or as forum user o o o o o said, the "worst joke ever posted in the history of online forums" and "the post that proved god's existence when rain consisting of thousands of heroes' blood drowned the hopes and dreams of a child every time the post was read"


    just so you know, Hayes reads everything on the forum and knows everything about you. So enjoy living with your fear being realized

    • Like 14

  4. Look. For my money, (and that's $4.99 for the almighty Howl. Praise Howl, I sacrifice my soul and my being to you, may you forever put old episodes behind your glorious paywall, you are my shining star and may I find grace and eternal lightness in your warm embrace in the afterlife. Hallelujah. Amen.) if we're talking about great episodes of podcasts released on 9/15/15 titled, "EPISODE 101 — The Grease Knows Eggs Show with Jesse Thorn" this has gotta be number 1.

    • Like 15

  5. I didn't get it tbh, but I did like "....A bunch of other shit I didn't read."


    The joke is that William Stryker was involved with the Weapon X program. If you were a big nerd geek boy who loves to read comics and just fuckin gets off on that shit, you would be cracking up and laughing really hard. I texted my friend and he said it was a great joke and that he actually liked it

    • Like 7

  6. Hey Paul, it's Joe McGurl. We went to summer camp together in '94. I was the kid who chugged the 37 Shasta Colas and then barfed all over Judy Spinelli.


    Anyway, my question is this: If I want to get into comedy, what's the funniest hair color? Some comedians that have darker hair are funny but I know some other funny people with lighter hair. What do I do?


    All my love,


    Joe McGurl, a very nice boy.

    • Like 12