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Joe McGurl

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Posts posted by Joe McGurl

  1. Turned on CNN this morning and wouldn't you know it, more LEFT WING LIBERAL LIES shoved down our throats. Yeah, get this, apparently our glorious leader Barack "Obama" will be "54" on Tuesday but hmmmm I think around this time last year, I vaguely recall "Obama" telling the country that he was 53! So which is it, Mr. "PRESIDENT!?" Enough is enough.



    • Like 16

  2. That other guy from Scranton is a strong contender because he mentioned Nina's and Nina's has the best wing bites of all time. Marshall Mellow also is a pretty strong contender what with the similar name thing but I used to be her boss so I would have to consult HR to make sure it's okay. Souprman has a very antagonistic vibe to him sometimes which I really dig. Jeffreyparties is a nazi and just parties too hard for me so I may have to disqualify him. Spunky still just


    Stastically speaking, Tim is actually the clear front runner by miles but fuck Tim. Veebs is number two but her ego can't handle any more so I'm removing her. So, in a surprise to everyone including myself, SteveH is in the lead. I don't know how it happened but hey that's life around these crazy parts am I right?

    • Like 14

  3. What a great episode, I learned so much about Catholic culture and the music really heightened all the feelings.

    But I was hoping to hear more about these Dough Bros, specifically:

    1. Favorite toppings

    2. Thin or pan-style crust

    3. Longest air-time for crust toss


    I've only been able to find one photo of these elusive gourmands. Maybe Mr. Huskey can fill us in more next time.





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  4. In addition to the episode being very funny, I was particularly moved by Erin's story about her aforementioned HH experience.

    When I listened to the original episode where the Wild Horses were brought in for being loud, I thought it was so cool that these people and this comedy world exists.

    That incredibly smart and funny people are everywhere, outside each other's doors, and they can barely know each other and still be so funny together. It's was something to behold.

    After finishing this most recent episode, I went downstairs to cut watermelon where I did some thinking.

    Erin does occasionally give me a jolt of anxiety or awkwardness, which I think is something to look deeper into my own life about, but something about this event was different.

    It seemed brave of her to admit her experience, and it was unique that we got to see the origin of the bit and see the hidden aftermath later.

    Did I feel pathos about the misunderstanding? Was it her straightforward honesty? Was it because crying and defensiveness was mentioned? That someones actions caused unintentional "pain"? Was there someone to blame? What lesson is to be learned? Why am I asking myself all these questions?

    On one level, It rattled my fantasy about how amazing it would be to be in their comedic world.

    On another, it bolstered the fantasy further that they turned something, if it were in my life I would consider shitty or embarrassing, and instead made humor come from it.

    Not sure I landed on any real takeaway though.

    I spent a whole watermelon thinking about this.


    nice try Ged

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