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Joe McGurl

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Posts posted by Joe McGurl

  1. hoping S or H come on here soon to request popcorn gallery q's-- really need this week to be MY week as far as getting my q read on the pod (*said in my best, entitled Bridezilla voice*) i feel my relevance here is slipping and i've gotta rectify this somehow... i have no music to contribute to the mix tape b/c i think it would take me 45 mins or so to come up with songs to make you guys think i'm even remotely cool. i just looked at the last song i listened to on spotify a few weeks ago and it was by bobby darin :( PEACE FREJA OUT PLEASE LET THERE BE A PCORN GALLERY DIS WEEK I PRAY TO S AND H AND MAYBE EVEN AGATA IF SHE HOLDS THAT SORT OF POWER


    You'll always be relevant to me, Frey Bae.

    • Like 1

  2. Β 

    Okay let’s do a practice run. This mix is gonna be called β€˜Dead Man’s Curve.’ Post a cool song that you think should be on a mix with a title – β€˜Dead Man’s Curve.’





    This song reminds me of Halloween, so you know that it's really spooky and maybe a little scary to listen to it but it's a fucking cracker and The Joy Formidable are aces.

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  3. Guys I'm starting a new crew, kind of like a forum gang, we r gonna be called The Gargoyle Boyz, and yes girls can joins to. All you have to do to join the crew is represent and say ur gargoyle name at the end of ur posts. Thanks for reading.



    - Hardall Knight

    The Gargoyle Boyz


    Sounds pretty fucking stupid to me


    -Gremlack Prunk

    The Gargoyle Boyz

    • Like 8

  4. wow.


    still drunk.


    i can barely remember anything. in fact, i feel like i got so drunk that i forgot the WHOLE entire year! or maybe Jen's clothes are just giving me flashbacks from last summer...


    hopefully i didn embarrass myself too hard.


    details plzz. thx.


    You were fuggin wild bro. You totally puked into Katie Timolia's sweatshirt and then put it on calling yourself "slimy boy." Shit was totally fukked up. You were totes party MVP though, we all voted and agreed on that. Fuggin crazy cray when you tied everyone up in Trevor's living room and gave a 1.5 hour long rant about how "Hitler was right." EPIC! SO EPIC!

    • Like 7

  5. So... Fuck everyone who talked about the show this week. Everyone knows we come on this forum to not talk about Hollywood Handbook. WHAT IS THIS? FUCKING AMATEUR HOUR? I haven't seen a pic of even one person's Pussy or D. That's a real shame. You guys are what's wrong with America.


    PS - I bet you've all been sober while posting, too.


    Here is a pic of me and my D. Enjoy boo


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