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Joe McGurl

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Posts posted by Joe McGurl

  1. This was for sure a different episode and Steve-O obviously drove this whole podcast. He does seem like a really nice and great guy but he just LOVES to talk and talk and talk .I listened to the whole thing, It was actually a pretty fun listen, He got along really well with Howard and seemed to have a genuinely good time on the show!


    It's fun to have some Non Earwolf and comedy veterans on to hear their take on things but I totally can understand why people would shut this off after a bit. I wanted to keep clearing Steve-O's voice for him...dude is hoarse as hell.

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  2. I was going to call Adomian out for that Futurama bit but he beat me to it haha!


    Great b-b-b-onus-s-s episode! Fantastic send-off for Huell Howser. I live in Pennsylvania so I had no idea who Huell was and thought it was just a character James had made up. When I found out he was real, I went to youtube and watched hours of clips of him and was just thoroughly entertained. You can tell he actually meant something to James and through him we all got a lot of joy from it. Thanks you for introducing me to him, R.I.P. Huell.

  3. I think a better question is, why, when male comics do a voice, do male listeners say "that's hilarious," and when female comics do a voice, they get called whiny and annoying?


    Sorry to level sexism at some of you, which I know is difficult to defend against, but this is definitely something I've noticed time after time, and I am deliberately having female guests on to combat this perception. Pam's character REALLY makes me laugh, and everything she says is gold.


    Gotta agree with the Choctaw. I think the Nancy Cooper character is hysterical. Loved this episode, Kristen Schall is just delightful!

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