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Joe McGurl

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Posts posted by Joe McGurl

  1. Maybe the greatest ending of anything ever. The hardest that I've laughed in a very long time. Good job to all of the boys on the show. What nice group of boys.








    (p.s. Sean, I know that you having to admit that Shakespeare DID in fact write all of his plays was atonement for when we went head to head on the call in episode and I just wanted to say that I accept your apology and you are again invited to my niece's quinceanera now. See you soon)

    • Like 16


    I've read this on a couple of your various social media profiles now, Joe, and I haven't said anything, but it's gotten to the stage where it almost feels like you're taunting me. You know my wish is for more Gangnam Style and you still post bullshit like this for me to read and cry


    My wish for 2016 is to taunt Honlads everyday with wishes of LESS Gangnam Style so that he may cry like a lil baby

    • Like 13

  3. Jeffrey, what's the best instagram filter for a picture of a dog? Please show your work.


    I'll field this one for Mr. Parties


    The best instagram filter to use for dogs is "Toaster." This is factually proven as it was named after Kevin Rose's (the founder of Digg) dog that is named Toaster. IMO it was a massive missed opportunity to not name his lil pup, "DiggDog." That's just my opinion though.


    Weigh in guys, what do YOU think Kevin Rose should have named his dog? Tweet in with your hashtag #DiggDogNoDiggity

    • Like 14

  4. Besides CBB the movie, what was everyone's favourite CBB ep this year


    The Tim Heidecker, Brett Gelman and Jon Daly episode was my fave next to Hayes and Sean. It was goofy and stupid and dumb and it felt like old CDR where Scott was having fun and just letting the guests do all the work.


    Other faves were:

    Mulaney, Lapkus, Sodero

    Mailer Daemon

    Silicon Valley guys

    The contest winner one

    The 2014 holiday special

    • Like 8

  5. Well, as the resident ghost of the forums now, I can safely say that I will indeed be haunting all of the people who think I'm a bad boy tonight as you sleep. You'll be visited by The Ghost of Forum Past, Forum Present and indeed, Forum Future. You'll awake on Christmas Day and yell to the piss boy on the street below, "Boy! Oh young boy did you know that Joe McGurl IS actually a very funny, nice and handsome boy with a winning combination of roguish charm and devilish wit. He is an integral and respected member of these blessed lands we call the forum and worthy of all the praise he gets, did you know he's a very successful stage actor and comedian and he really is and honestly, it's only a matter of time now before this kid really takes off he's a fucking star, young lad! How could I have been so blind! Thank [insert appropriate religious deity/celebrity/handsome boy that you worship] I was visited by that handsome McGhost last night!" You'll actually be saying all of that word for word, can you believe it??


    Truly an incredible journey lies before you.

    • Like 18

  6. Congrats to Joe McGurl for picking Jeremy as the Winner ! Very impressive. Probst is so proud of you right now.


    Your prize is this million-dollar check. All you have to do is get the money from Richard. Can't be that hard right ?




    Day one. Me and Jeremy had a core alliance and I knew from day one that we would be the winners at the end of this season. That check is mine! Hatch is toast!!


    I have a supersized finale version of notes to come!!

    • Like 6

  7. Okay heeeeeeeeeeeeeeere we go! Final predictions for the season! I can't believe it's over :( :( :(


    6 - Spencer wins immunity. Keith gets voted out ;(


    5 - Jeremy wins immunity. Jeremy gives his idol to spencer. Wentworth plays her idol. All the votes were cast for Wentworth or Spencer and each vote is negated FOR THE FIRST TIME EVER. On the revote, only Kimmi and Tasha can be voted for and Tash ends up going home.


    4 - Spencer wins immunity. Kimmi gets voted out.


    Final Tribal: This is a really hard call. Jeremy, Spence and Wentworth have all played very good games but I think Spencer gets the least amount of votes. Jeremy and Wentworth will have had two successful idol plays so that's huge. It will be close, maybe a one vote difference but in the end, I'm picking the person that I had on day one. The Sole Survivor and winner of Survivor Second Chances is: Jeremy Collins.

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