Anna and Alan here.....(Anna from Professor Blastoff episode #110).....and we wanted to say: Suzi, you have always beat Flo in our boner-hearts. Your insurance commercials years ago made us pay attention to your adorable self and your pigtails. Flo never did. True story. You in your office chair and hm. Truly truly.....and the PB hosts have our contact info. **wink!**
And what a damn good episode! TKD&A were great and S was a great guest. When she was asked (by Aaron) about the multitude of possibilities within tarot readings and she responded about the possibilities in human conversation, that was perfect. We're skeptical about tarot -- and Suzi won us over by her pragmatic (yet mystical) view of it all.
"Hold this mackerel skull." Katy Perry's "Roar." T&K's muffled shouts of "YES!" and "NO!" All of this: yes.
Cheers, Suzi and the PB crew! Much love, A&A