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Posts posted by denimgremlin


    But there is also a difference between laughing at what you said, and the gross forced laughter some of them feel has to punctuate every sentence.

    I don't know what the fuck you mean "forced laughter"?? are you in the room with them? fuck off, I don't understand "comedy fans" with no sense of humor or joy that can't comprehend comedians having a good time

    • Like 2

  2. Welp, they got a shoutout on this week's LOL episode.


    Unfortunately Paul referred to them as Australian when they're actually New Zealanders. Cue crying Kiwis.


    he also shouted the out in this thing he did for the av club



    I hope he heard about it from these forums, I crave any evidence that we're not just shouting into the void here

  3. may be fourval though


    it is Fourval, I was just trying to add to the excitement of today being an embarrassment of Earwolf riches.


    I wish Traci could be on the tv show but I think I read an interview or something (maybe a reddit AMA) with Scott where he said it would be really hard to get Traci or Wompler on the tv show because of the prosthetics and make-up they'd need to pull it off.

  4. Yeah, the TV show isn't as funny as the podcast for reasons mentioned above and also due to the fact that almost nothing is.


    But on a more serious note, anyone who was turned off by the first season of the TV show should give it another try. It's gotten a lot better and the style of humor is more in line with the podcast. It's gone from a show that I enjoyed partially because it was genuinely funny and partially because it was just fun to watch Scott & Co. get to do all this crazy stuff on TV to one of my absolute favorite shows.


    yeah i agree with this too. I think that the show needs to exist more than it should exist if that makes any sense. It might not be as funny as the podcast but the fact that it's giving the podcast and Earwolf a much higher profile and it's giving work and exposure to so so many funny people makes it totally cool in my mind.

  5. If you're into Improv4Humans, find an episode with Besser or Lapkus or another I4H regular you like and dive in (or there might be a list of introduction-worthy episodes somewhere around here?).


    is there a list? that's a pretty good idea if not.


    anyway, I'll recommend the episode that I first heard that got me into CBB (CDR then) back in the day, ep 78 with Doug Benson and John Gemberling, it still makes me laugh out loud


    btw can we just jack this idiotic thread and turn it into an recommendation thread for watchayakan and others looking to get into CBB?
