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Posts posted by RichardsCopyCat

  1. Please, PLEASE, spend more time explaining outdated technology. <--- 100% sincere.


    "Ebony, mirror-stone" .... Obsidian, methinks?


    Great episode, I love the sinister, dark tower planet. I'm going to keep an eye on the listened art board after this ep.

  2. Meh - but I'm not an avid Maron follower, so maybe I "don't get it." I'm thinking it will get better, but is probably not much as a stand alone thing.


    I would like to say "for shame" to people attacking Geordie McGrath for just expressing his opinion. WTF? Maybe you feel protective of the Earwolf Cabal or are worried someone's feelings might get hurt? But seriously, is the only acceptable comment is one that says "this is great"? Why bother with a forum, then?

  3. Haha! I didn't think about babies, because I don't think about babies. I want one to wear because I'm not quite 5' tall yet. No snaps at the bottom, please.


    I gotta say, I don't think about babies all that much either. I think I've reached my full hight at this point in life (which is over 5 feet), yet I would want a tiny menace onesy with snaps to allude to the fact that the degree to which I menace others is smaller than small. It's tiny. I need to acknowledge this part of myself and share it with the world.

  4. This movie really sucked. I watched this on Netfliz last week, and was completely disgusted. Thanks for making all of the women in your movie prostitutes RZA! The gore was knarly and tasteless. I don't think Russel Crowe is a good actor, but I thought a little better of Lucy Liu - and I imagine neither of these actors needed to do this movie. What were they thinking?

  5. Am I supposed to like a guy who goes to prostitutes, rapes his friends and kills his mother just because he's hunting a killer for his own personnal glory and seems to like his little sister?


    HOWEVER, I did like the music in this show... and the fact that I could watch it all the way through.


    That being said, I don't think this is really good material for HDTGM.

  6. I think the moral lessons in this incredible allegorical film could really speak the HDTGM audience. DId anyone else have one of those giant dishes in their yard? Remember how you had to actually memorize the satellite codes? Then maybe 4 out of the 40 channels on that sat were nothing but fuzz...

  7. This episode was so dice-ful. Did you guys set up a special dice mic or something? I liked it. Ken seemed very high energy today, so I'm guessing he thrives in warm weather like a lizard. I agree with him that the crew should also do a Candyland podcast.


    "What about a little Glinnish-less?" *giggled*


    I've noticed a high frequency of Matrix references in the past few episodes, but Sark made up for it with a nice Dune sandworm comment. My advice to the crew is to swim without rhythm.

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  8. yo dudes! not sure if i posted yet so i'm not sure if it's ok to talk shop in the episode thread! buuuut wanted to check on something!




    when sir richard takes damage, post eyeless gaze, shouldn't his golem cut that damage in half? or was that type of attack not protected? i couldn't remember if it only protected against physical attacks. i mean dude has his own line of condoms he should get that protection when the option is on the table!


    I also worry that Sir Richard may be getting shafted. I swear to God, if he dies again....

  9. Sark - Two Matrix references? I'm sort of imagining him scheming up the story, buzzed, "Oh yeah, just like Neo!"


    Blaine made me laugh out loud at work with the theory about the evolution of cave dwelling "eyeless gaze."


    I loved the goofy vibe in this episode, and Brian's readings of the ads were pretty flipping entertaining. Thanks!

  10. I feel like Amarth has to be true to who he is... but there should be consequences, and Sark did a great job creating a pretty intense one: blood bubble. I was surprised Mildred didn't take sides with Sir Richard in an attempt to at least give the lady-cargo a chance at survival.


    This podcast is a bright spot in my week! Thanks.

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