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Silly Lacy

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Posts posted by Silly Lacy

  1. Ken saying "What a shithole," during Sark's description of the planet made me laugh harder than I should have.

    Most of what Ken says makes me giggle. It just gets right to the kid in me and I laugh in that way that I'm embarrassed to be laughing, but I'm alone so I do it anyway.

    • Like 1

  2. I was singing Ken's "Beauty and the Beep" outgoing message to myself all day long.


    The worst answering machine outgoing messages were the ones with people's kids in them. I know, because I was one of those kids.


    Great episode! I want them to run screaming and slashing through those mech formations because it's creeping me out for them to be in the middle of all of that potential chaos. Or near the lift now that it started moving again. That creepy old necromancer sounds like a date rapist harvesting a harem of interstellar lady-slaves.

    • Like 4

  3. I wonder if Sark was giving them the origin information via Stargoyle so that they wouldn't sit on this massive ship for its return journey. They could just fly to the point on the map themselves, or jump to it. I'd be nervous too though. There's no telling how much resistance they'll face in the hub of Collector activity.

  4. So - I was catching up on the Nerdist podcast, and on the Steve Yeun episode, they spend the last few minutes talking about Nerd Poker and how awesome it is. It made me happy.


    This episode also made me happy. I kind of want for them to get a lady to let a skelosucker have a go at them for the sake of science. Maybe if someone is awake while it's taking samples, they could figure out what it wants, or how it gets it.

  5. I still really want to know what the special gear from the collector armory does. I think that Mildred has a necklace, someone got some boots, a couple pieces of armor, maybe one other piece of jewelry or something. The only one that's been tested is Blackie's rod (heh). I'm super curious about the rest, but no one's really tested them out. I thought they might try them when they tried the new locker gear.

    • Like 2

  6. I can't stop laughing at that Steve. So wonderful in so many ways. I'm pretty thick and I could never do a second meal at RR. Also - why did she get the same thing again? I'm mind boggled!


    In an effort to contribute to this topic, not just comment on other contributions:


    Belvita - when you're fat enough to be OK with cookies for breakfast, but ashamed enough to justify it to your family and friends, try Belvita!

    • Like 1

  7. Is that a tough game to play? Because I'd imagine everyone would want to be The Doctor. Who wants to be a lame companion?


    We actually made the mistake of letting the least interested child be the Doctor. Captain Jack had to take over and bail us out of several scrapes.


    I feel like that has to be on a number of baby apparel items already. Mildred probably shops at Baby Gap anyway. Somebody's gotta buy all those "sexy baby" clothes without feeling like a horrible person. Other than horrible people, I mean.


    Haha! I didn't think about babies, because I don't think about babies. I want one to wear because I'm not quite 5' tall yet. No snaps at the bottom, please.

    • Like 1

  9. We've played a few nights of Doctor Who: Adventures in Time and Space with the kids to introduce them to RPGs. It was fun, but after the first campaign, we'll be making a few adjustments for the sake of matching characters to play styles and interest levels.

  10. I have no idea how the donations work. I'm still trying to pretend that this isn't being recorded. Money stuff is Earwolf's biz. We're just nerds rolling dice :)/> Appreciate the love though! Will your promo guy bring the fans and then gently fan us while softly humming Enya? That would be delightful.


    Haha! I can probably talk him into taking them out of the box and plugging them in, but I think the humming is better left to Blaine.


    But seriously, if I can help, let me know.

  11. Mr Sark -

    How can we help keep you guys cooled off this summer? If the answer is just "Donate", can you give us an "ish" figure so we can try to coordinate and make it happen? I really appreciate the entertainment value of this podcast and I feel guilty sitting in my air conditioned office while the six of you are sweaty and uncomfortable for the sake of my entertainment. I'll try to coordinate the effort if you can give me some parameters. I've got a promo guy in the area and I bet he'd drop off or deliver some fans for me if we can find some that aren't too noisy. Let me know how I can help, and what you can and can't use in the studio.
