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Posts posted by SexualNightmare

  1. Generalizing about an area is not the same as institutionalized racism. Generalization is not nearly as detrimental to the residents of the midwest, or south, or whatever as racism is to the genuinely oppressed. On that level it's not really a comparison. It is weak, however, to absolve the producers of racist content because you're friends with them, and then blame racist media on its audience rather than on its producers. I think Andrew Ti wouldn't let anyone get away with that on the blog, but he does on the podcast for whatever reason.


    This, definitely. I love the tumblr but I can't listen to the podcast because of his inability to disagree with anything the guests say. I mean really, people who write racist jokes aren't racist? Because they live in lofts? Don't get me wrong, stereotyping people from the South isn't racist because that's not what the word racist means. It's not blue, spicy, or aluminum either. It is, however, bog standard classism, a time honored way for middle class whites to absolve themselves of their own, more subtle, less white-hooded but still pernicious racism.

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  2. There's another argument against legalized bestiality beyond the animal's consent and our own feelings of disgust: what if it trains the animal to think of humans in a sexual context? You might think that what happens in your backyard is between you and your beautiful pony, but god help us if the neighbor boy wanders over and the pony tries do his sinful business to him.
