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Everything posted by StevoDoccerson

  1. StevoDoccerson

    This Dead Air Brought to You By...

    BEEF O'BRADY'S! BEEF O'BRADY'S! Where Stepdads are made! BEEF O'BRADY'S "We're going to try to stop calling him 'Uncle Jeff' and start calling him Dad now, okay guys?" BEEF O'BRADY'S! "Stop Crying!"
  2. StevoDoccerson

    Episode 23 — Anybody's Game

    Also, can we get a definitive spelling of Glinnishmoore? Glinnishmoar? Wha-huh?
  3. StevoDoccerson

    Questions for Sark

    Oh man, Palladium TMNT was amazing!
  4. StevoDoccerson

    This Dead Air Brought to You By...

    BURN NOTICE on USA! When there's nothing else to watch when you're at a laundromat, watch BURN NOTICE! "Hey look it's Bruce Campbell!"
  5. StevoDoccerson

    Episode 23 — Anybody's Game

  6. StevoDoccerson

    Episode 22 — Locked In Combat

    He's overtired! He's not fighting a water elemental king, he's fighting sleep!
  7. StevoDoccerson

    Episode 22 — Locked In Combat

    Seriously, when Ken made that joke, I HAD to turn this song on for the episode. Am I that guy? Yes. Yes I am.
  8. StevoDoccerson

    Episode 22 — Locked In Combat

  9. StevoDoccerson

    Questions for Sark

    Hey Sark, If you were to run a different system after this game, what would it be? Would you go to second edition or try something else?
  10. StevoDoccerson

    This Dead Air Brought to You By...

    VISTA PRINT! Vista Print: For when you want to have a piece of cardboard with your name and a swear word on it that lets you try to win free lunches! VISTA PRINT!
  11. StevoDoccerson

    Character Drawings

    Iggy's only like 5'4", other than that, totes.
  12. StevoDoccerson

    This Dead Air Brought to You By...

    EMERALD TROPHY SHOPS! Emerald Trophy Shops: We're Number 1! This Trophy SAYS SO! Emerald Trophy Shops!
  13. StevoDoccerson

    This Dead Air Brought to You By...

    POPEYE'S CHICKEN! Popeye's Chicken: For when you want a top to bottom enema that tastes great, and comes with cajun fries! Popeye's Chicken!
  14. StevoDoccerson

    This Dead Air Brought to You By...

    SHIRT WOOT.com! ShirtWoot.com: Because other than facebook, & tumblr, how are all of your friends going to know you really like Doctor Who AND Legend of Zelda AND Star Wars? SHIRTWOOT.com!
  15. StevoDoccerson

    Episode 20 — Burst Through and Kill

    My favorite part of the episode was the description of Sir Richard attempting to hang himself with his diaper. Is that weird? Also it makes me really realize how well Gerry stays in character when he's talking to other people. THIS IS WHY WE'VE MISSED HIM FOR SO VERY LONG!! This post brought to you by PABST BLUE RIBBON! PABST BLUE RIBBON: Whether you're a pretentious hipster with a tattoo of a mustache under your actual mustache, or a violent redneck with a Rebel flag shirt over your Rebel flag tattoo, DRINK PABST BLUE RIBBON!
  16. StevoDoccerson

    Episode 18 — Finish The Fight!

    I'm still wondering what the connection between the Collectors and the women from the beginning. I still have a lot of questions and I think Sparklet would know the answers. What was the deal with the first hostage going crazy when she saw her own dead body? Are the robed figures the women in some way? Also, what about Trass? These questions brought to you by NETFLIX! "NETFLIX: Because, seriously, Fuck You Blockbuster! You swore at my mom that one time! I'm glad your ship is sinking! NETFLIX!"
  17. StevoDoccerson

    Questions for Sark

    Girls, girls, you're BOTH pretty!
  18. StevoDoccerson

    Episode 17 — Hack and Slash

    I totally said SPARKLETT when they told me. I didn't even think about it until after I did it. Bonus: Patton's going to sing about THIS adventure?! FANTASTIC! Hopefully it'll be when they beat these guys and level up. "This post brought to you by GUMMI VITAMINS! GUMMI VITAMINS: If your desire to be healthy is overweighed by your child-like need for candy, try GUMMI VITAMINS! GUMMI VITAMINS: It's healthy enough, ok?!"
  19. StevoDoccerson

    Episode 16 — The Water Box

    Tomorrow, if Mildred eats a big cookie and all the dudes in sheet/cloaks turn blue, I'm going to lose my goddamn mind. "This post brought to you by URBAN OUTFITTERS! URBAN OUTFITTERS: If your parents are giving you money, why not spend it ironically at URBAN OUTFITTERS!"
  20. StevoDoccerson

    Episode 16 — The Water Box

    OH! Forgot to mention, how exciting is it going to be to hear Patton make a guest appearance? I think with all this Vin Diesel talk, we buried the lead, you know? Also, it would've been great for Sarah to find a shield so she could do her other feat she hasn't been able to do yet. "This post is brought to you by OFFICE DEPOT! OFFICE DEPOT: We have gift certificates for some reason! 'Happy Birthday! Your next printer cartridge is... $10 cheaper! Hooray' OFFICE DEPOT!"
  21. StevoDoccerson

    "Crazy shit that happened in old adventures" segment name

    "Was it Hardwick or Patton? No wait..." or GLORY ROLLS or GERRY, WE HARDLY KNEW YE "This post is brought to you by Cool Ranch Doritos! Cool Ranch Doritos! When breakfast happens at 11:23am, you might as well have some Cool Ranch Doritos! 'Fuck it, it's close enough to lunch!' Cool Ranch Doritos!"
  22. StevoDoccerson

    Episode 16 — The Water Box

    Since the next battle is going to be as big as Sark is intending it to be, could there POSSIBLY be a bonus episode of leveling up? PLEASE? Just so that we can see them use their clearly well deserved XP towards new skills/abilities more suited to what's going on. I know that it's supposed to be when there's a break in the action, but can't we just retcon to it happening in the armory, then fast-forward to the awesome battle? It can be a bonus-a-sode! I understand that this probably won't happen, I just want to see them fuck shit up on a new level. "This post brought to you by BEEF O'BRADY'S! BEEF O'BRADY'S! When Applebee's isn't depressing enough, you need BEEF O'BRADY'S! Kid tested, Step-dad approved! BEEF O'BRADY"S!!"
  23. StevoDoccerson

    Episode 16 — The Water Box

    Personally I like the name "Wetsy".
  24. StevoDoccerson

    Questions for Sark

    A handful of them are on the Nerd Poker facebook page.
  25. StevoDoccerson

    Questions for Sark

    Have any of the other players been on this forum & seen the pictures people have drawn?