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Posts posted by blobofsoul

  1. initially these gifs were composed to accompany an attempt at critiquing of the in living color's handiman sketch, and contrasting it with monthy python's bicycle repair man sketch. both reverse the oppressive and dehumanizing untermench / ubermench - paradigm for comedic effect. the former is immoral and wrong as it does it in a way that underpins the paradigm, the latter is moral and good as it does it in a way that undermines it.


    this was going to be emphasized visually by swapping out the simulated object with the actual object:




    however i realize that i am not going to put the required effort into it to make it coherent, so instead i sketched the potential of that happening.


    having demonstrated that i'm not trash, but actually being great and doing good things i'm going to set the numbers straight:

    We ruined it. Mostly me, but hey, I'm not one to hog the spotlight. We are all trash.

    the forum is not a big mush for you to hide behind after you taz out, jeffrey. only cowards flees into the crowd, the crowd is untruth. coolness is having courage, the courage to do what's right.


    what would be courageous and therefore cool by you now, after having done this to us, would be to accept the penance of posting "i will never embarass myself in front of my fellow posters again", 150 times, in a row, on the board.


    150, jeffrey, not 149. this time you do post 69 and you do pass it around. oh, and by the way, uh, read some kierkegaard, dumbass.


    Goodbye, Hollywood Handbook.


    Would've been nice if you could've got Brett Gelman involved, but hey, people don't usually see that I was right all along until its way too late.

    thank you.


    the episode with neil casey acting normal (by becoming annoyed) is wunderbar, and i think gelman could have moved the show similarly far from the handbook centroid and given the project more depth (which no doubt would have to be paid for with some other quality).


    handbook f.ex. did satire on the death of cecil(?) the lion, which i think he could have responded to in a way that would produce peak comedy.


    i'm assuming that sean, hayes, and gelman could and would work well together, which is a totally unfair assumption. and i also don't have the slightest clue what i'm talking about, the show is already brilliant art, and this type of speculation is slightly perverse.

    • Like 9

  2. ... do you all think I am some sort of criminal? Because I have nothing to hide.

    this is exactly what constitutes criminal behaviour. a lawful citizen both:


    1: has things to protect from criminals.

    2: hides things to protect against criminals.


    now, i don't remember right now where i hid my shotgun, or if i have a shotgun, or what a shotgun "is", but let me warn you, pal, if you try to play any tricks on me you'll wind up face first flying up the side of a cliff so fast your ass'll be whistlin' dixie.




    and yes, i do like girls even better without 'thangs' on them. i objectify your honor, sue me.

    • Like 6

  3. So I'm hitting my 113th post, but I'm disappointed I still haven't forged the kind of memorable forum persona that so many of you have.


    I decided to consult one of the forum's most-decorated personalities (who shall remain nameless) and together we decided my best option in creating a brand is for me to constantly bring up the place I live until I become famous for living in a frozen wasteland where our QB's knees explode for literally no reason.


    Posted from my Android Phone in Beautiful Minnesota.

    let me quote for you a few choice exerpts from "sincerity (or spontaneity) and discipline", by gramsci, who had a lot to say about this:


    is sincerity (or spontaneity) always a merit and a value? only if disciplined.


    it's too easy to speak differently from others, to play with neologisms, whereas it's difficult to distinguish oneself from others without doing acrobatics.


    today people try to be original and have personality on the cheap. prisons and mental asylums are full of original men with strong personalities. what is really difficult is to put stress on discipline and sociality and still profess sincerity, spontaneity, orginality and personality.


    discipline in this context is a measure of the mental labour that goes into the symbolic and syntactic legibility of your posts. applied to my post it can positively refer to f.ex. the choiceness of the exerpts of this particular work.


    sociality in this context is a measure of the aggregate impact on your peers, it's a normative concept. applied to my post it can negatively refer to f.ex. how isn't even trying to make us 'buss up loffin', and is instead trying to buy orginality on the cheap by pretending to be intelligent and quoting queer litterature... precisely what the quoted litterature says is bad, and that is the joke, dumbass.

    • Like 8

  4. That's a great movie. Lugosi is the man!

    yes, it touches (in a ghastly and violent way) on the staple HH-theme of animal / human-sexuality (gabrus vs hens), lab-scene in particular.


    if dr. miracle wanted to prove evolution by crossing ape with a female sexual worker, assuming he knew the basics of human reproduction, it's a strech to suggest he didn't realize he should inject the ape's semen into the victims vagina, and not into their bloodstream.


    dr. miracle definitively wasn't "hittin' it right".

    • Like 7

  5. culture war writings


    my contribution to the project's call for culture war is a sketching out of a typology of handbook gifs. so far i have come up with 3 types, which i will briefly explain and exemplify below.




    subsume the populace of another (qualitatively lesser) cultural phenomenon by infesting its symbols with references to the project, and visa-versa (for the duration of the subsumption). by latching on to a host project, and establishing mappings between the symbols of the different projects, the target populace is subsumed by the project (as it is the greater cultural phenomenon).


    to maximize the financial gain of the advertisers we select host projects that align with their perception of the average hollywood handbook listener. we will be looking for people with a childlike and consumerist conception of culture, a base and cynical sense of humor, insomnia, anxieties about facial hair and / or convenience stores, no cooking skills... someone who enjoys listening to the artist demean itself, the project and the listener by performing ads.


    in the example the project is latched onto the muppet show. this type might be accompanied with host specific content. f.ex. changing 'this industry we call showbiz'-bit of the catchphrase into 'muppets' (which is also equips the full catchphrase with powerful sexual connotations), etc.




    red scare:


    we imprint on the minds of the listener a sense of dread by exposing the listener to references to the potential cancellation of the project. exemplified in the 'card-game' this episode. this will motivate the listener when waging culture war.


    this example uses various reactions to terror from the movie 'murders in the rue morgue'.




    popular culture:


    gramsci said that (a new) art needs to 'sink its root into the humus of popular culture as it is, ..., even if it is backward and conventional'. we will be forced to work at a high level of abstraction, because the concrete content of the project has close to zero fertile soil in the everyday life of the average human being.


    one abstraction that has fertile soil in popular culture, and also frequently appears in the show is violence. for example: the project details how to wrestle a lion and execute police officers bare handed. violence is just one of many abstractions that could be used.


    in the example the project is advertised an authority on racial violence (from the movie 'zulu'), which is a most popular form of violence (although the project also details f.ex. domestic violence, see carrie-anne moss).



    • Like 17

  6. zoinks!


    edit: quick question for the forum. if a friend and I dressed up as a key and a banana peel in black face would it be good cosplay or racist? both?

    on black face in comedy:

    black face deployed to unmask the racism of ironic black facing is good, but one must take care not to efface the taboo of black facing.


    it can be good cosplay, but you have act sincerely racist for it not to be racist.


    on black face in solidarity:

    be absolutely serious, and leave no doubt: confrontation spells certain doom.

    • Like 6

  7. QWYzfhX.png


    exhibit 1:


    in this episode (at around 59:20) hayes makes a reference to the thumb movies by steve oedekerk, as well as kung pow. daly acknowledges it immediately (a solid reference), but sean let it fall so flat that it seemed like an attempt to close off any further discussion. why? and why didn't hayes challenge him? did perhaps hayes make a mistake that he immediately realized? was sean freaking out about it? what are afraid of? i decided to dig deeper.


    exhibit 2:


    it turns out oedenkerk wrote on the nutty professor 2: the klumps, which was referenced in the creepy klausner & scharpling ep (134) by the very same hayes (a brilliant reference). i decided to check it out and what i found blew some of my mind (that i wasn't using anyways): they friggin wheeze' the juice in it.




    this is a staple reference of the project (maybe the staple reference) to the movie encino man, and the infamous pauly shore ep (61). also note that in ep 134 scharpling made sean perform the 'wheeze the juice' quote 3 times (which seemed arbitrary at the time). was the klump (scharpling) wheezing the 'wheeze the juice' out of sean? for what purpose?


    exhibit 3:


    in another oedenkerk related work:

    , an old woman typing and eating corn is presented as a prize in a quiz show. ring any bells? this is a reference to the earwolf forum user colfax mcliverneck, which by abstraction is a reference back to us, the handbook heads. was that a cry for help? what is really the deal with colfax?





    exhibit 4:


    in our posts we, the handbook heads, reference hayes.





    the circle of references has been closed; something has been uncovered. yet there is so much left unanswered or incoherent.


    there is some funked up shit going on with the project... something taboo and occult, and that mother-klumper scharpling might be pulling the strings, but i've ran out of steam staying woke and tracing all these loops, so this is pretty much gonna be it.


    side note:


    impressive composite barbara bush joke from sean vacillating between incest and marital sex, sean even seemed flustered by his own genius for a little while (the story of my life). i thought there was an opportunity for its extension by responding 'george bush seniors junior' to jons attempt at resolving it, but what do i know... anyways, what else is in the news.

    • Like 23