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Captain Han Luke Picard

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Everything posted by Captain Han Luke Picard

  1. Captain Han Luke Picard

    Did Sean and Hayes ever apologize to Lionel?

    Greetings UniversalLove, Please call me Captain Han Luke Picard! I appreciate you sticking up for a Starfleet Captain and I just want to remind everyone that despite various PR issues, I am still a Captain and am in good standing with Starfleet to this day. I did not have to undergo any sensitivity training run by green humanoids with distinctive facial features over the course of a grueling week, nor was my ship taken away and nor were my phasers replaced with identical versions that make the sound but do not actually phase anyone. I would never impugn the honor of Reality Show Show hosts Sean & Hayes by blaming them for the clearly egregious overreaction to a standard Starfleet joke. Everything is just fine here in the Delta Quadrant! I hope all my fellow RSSers are living large and in charge back on Earth! Live Long and Prosper, Captain Han Luke Picard (Son of Jean Luc Picard)
  2. Captain Han Luke Picard

    Episode 21 — Oy Vey

    Please, call me Captain Han Luke Picard. I want to publicly apologize to @MelGotServed. While she did indeed get served by a standing Starfleet Captain, it may have been against Starfleet Regulations to serve with such vicious intent. Next time these phasers will be set for stun. Live long and Prosper (even Mel's Parents) Everyone
  3. Captain Han Luke Picard

    Episode 20 — Filipino Gollum

    Please, call me Captain Han Luke Picard, as you are an engineer and engineers rank below Captains on Starfleet vessels. Though you are an engineer, so I shall take your science advice into consideration as all good Captains must. I will get to the bottom of this temporal displacement! To the Q-zone!
  4. Captain Han Luke Picard

    Episode 20 — Filipino Gollum

    Captains log, March 12, 2013, Delta Quadrant Captain Han Luke here to break down a continuity error in the latest Starfleet Command Podcast! If you notice my call is at the end of the podcast, but when originally recorded, it was at the beginning! I assume due to some bad editing on Brett's end. Fear not, for next time I shall call in at the end of the recording, thus tricking Brett into placing my call at the beginning of the podcast! Until next we meet, Live Long and Prosper Captain Han Luke Picard (son of Captain Jean Luc Picard)