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Everything posted by chanson

  1. You have my personal guarantee that that never happens on this forum ever. Not to anyone. Ever.
  2. Oh I'm just getting started. This is a conversation that America needs to have, damnit because NO ONE ELSE IS HAVING IT ANYWHERE BESIDES THIS PODCAST AND FORUM!!!!!!!
  3. Haha, I have to admit that I did cringe when I read that in your notes. But I figured you didn't know the full story so I'm sure it's okay.
  4. Popcorn Gallery Question I didn't get to ask: Erin, How much of feminism is just an excuse for ladies to wear pant-suits in a group? Why do they need an excuse? I believe women should be allowed to wear pant-suits whenever and wherever and with whomever they choose.
  5. Does that count as slut-shaming? (That term makes me uncomfortable.)
  6. I don't know. I honestly never noticed. I just figured any awkwardness was due to the fact that they were having an extreme sports athlete present a reality tv show...
  7. ...I know TJ is a teetotaler now. But he did have some severe head trauma from his career as a BMXman before one of the more recent seasons and it looked like he might not be able to host. But the big reveal at the beginning of the first episode was that he was doing well enough to be able to host the show. That could be what you're seeing.
  8. Finally talking about gender issues.
  9. As long as you aren't looking for the Earwolf subreddit things will be okay.
  10. I mean, he's on Kroll Show this season.
  11. Sarah is pretty cool. She's super emotional though. Like she cries about everything. I think it's because she's super empathetic. She's a really strong competitor and I put her on my team because I genuinely want to see her do well. The CT & Diem thing is super complicated. Diem is a super good person and a strong competitor which makes it exceptionally sad that we know how the cancer thing turns out. CT... Well, I don't have anything against him but he is a bit of a loose cannon. When you see him caring for Diem you definitely like him a lot, but there are a lot of past season where he is not exactly the most likable character. A lot of the Challenge people make money from appearing at clubs when they aren't on The Challenge. Wes owns 30 companies (because he's part of a VC firm). It's hard to know what the rest of them do. I think Sarah is an art therapist for kids (so cool), or she was. Bananas and Wes' rivalry is weird and unnecessary. I think a lot of it is just clever editing but Wes is always the outsider and tries to use people to keep himself in the game while Bananas usually has a bunch of buddies who just form a large group. Bananas is really the only one of those guys left nowadays because the other ones have either stopped doing Challenges or had "allegations" against them that make MTV not want to have them back (or so it has been speculated). That makes it kind of Wes vs. Bananas but it used to be Wes vs. The Crew. I think you should decide on your own who to like or not. The Challenge is interesting because if you watch The Real World or (watched) Road Rules then you already have a sense for who these people are when they join the show. They've only had two fresh meat challenges where totally new people come in. And then there's this one where people came in from that other show, which has never happened before. You kind of just have to take the people as they are and realize that their personalities have been ramped up by tons of free booze, a fake competitive atmosphere, tons of cameras, and the promise of free money. I think everyone has different reasons for why they root for different people. I imagine they try to get people for these shows that have a diversity of backstories so that they are more relatable to different audiences so there's always someone you can sort of relate to if you became a sociopath.
  12. The thing I like most about this is the pause between me and bitch.
  13. Not commenting about the Super Bowl this year because of the deck being stacked against me with the statistically unlikely number of Boston/New Englanders on this forum. Unless Dan Engler wants to just delete all of their comments. #GoHawks #BestCoast #BowDownToWashington (Edit:Sorry wrong team, but still.) Also notice how I'm not making jokes about the deflated ball shit. Because I think it's irrelevant and stupid and people shouldn't be so fucking nitpicky about sports. If sports is about civic pride then represent your city by not being a whiny idiot.
  14. Life Update: I bought tires yesterday.
  15. This doesn't help people think that we aren't the same person.
  16. Guys, I really liked this episode. Like nearly corker territory. I also like that there was really a scratchcard. Even though they didn't call it that and that fact really upset me for some reason...
  17. Jes, 1.) How much are you getting on the back end? Like points-wise? Also what does that mean? Is that a thing? I don't know because I live in Seattle and that's not in Hollywood. 2.) Have you considered Bollywood? I hear that's a place for people to advance their careers. What do you think of curry? I have it on good authority that Joe McHale likes curry. Like, I saw him order curry at a local Thai restaurant on Vashon Island with his mom. Are you prepared for a global economy? 3.) What's your ideal first date? Say you were going on a date with an alleged men's right's activist from Seattle. Actually from Seattle, allegedly a men's rights activist. Just to clarify. But say he was a nice guy and not a dick... Like, you had a good time and stuff and he had a nice smile. Hypothetically. Just curious.
  18. How the hell are we already at 300?
  19. How come no one has mentioned that Anastasia can fucking turn into a cat?
  20. I also went to a public high school, too. It was hard but I got through it.
  21. To raise awareness. Is that an acceptable answer?
  22. ...I went to a state school. Unless the University of Washington doesn't qualify. I'm a commoner, too. See?
  23. Already a thing. Talk to ShowShow Charlie.