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Posts posted by chanson

  1. Yesterday I complained about ill prepared wedding speeches, now I would like to suggest people make wedding playlists with some perspective. "Getting Jiggy With It" at a wedding between 24 year olds? In the age of Beyonce and Miguel and even Justin Timberlake if we're going top 40 from more than 5 years ago?


    Also no one including me knows the Electric Slide any more, seeing white people half remember it and attempt it is torture. Did you know there's a Cha Cha Slide with the beat to Bringin Sexy Back now? And that it makes it worse?


    However I tried to be a good sport and may have went the lowest of all when Mr. C wondered aloud if we could get down low


    Love you man but I have some problems with this:


    24 year-olds getting married makes me cringe.


    "Gettin Jiggy With It" is a classic. I mean, I'm 25, so that one year could make all the difference. But I have fond memories. They're from elementary school, but still.


    About the line-dancing. Mormons, bro. They love that shit. No touching. They know every line dance ever. They are line-dancing pros and I think are keeping the line-dancing industry alive.


    Those are my potentially controversial opinions.

    • Like 9

  2. "One time Colt Barton liked my post and I grew Shaq sized Hooters, the rest is history."

    - Kate Upton


    I logged into the forum so that I could like this and am now posting this message to prove the great lengths I'm going to make sure you know how much I like it. Also because I literally have nothing better or more interesting happening in my life.


    Edit: forgot to mention I'm on my cell phone. Otherwise it doesn't seem like such a big deal.

    • Like 7

  3. Well Chanson, I personally think bears are dopey and adorable, and the animal is pretty cool too. If I get an indication that the majority of the forum thinks my username is a stinking piece of garbage, though, I will consider making a change.


    hmmmmm... I have to admit I don't like your inclination to be concerned with what the rest of the forum members think. However, as long as your name doesn't glorify the sea otter (nature's most horrible beast) then I will do my best to learn to accept your bear name.

    • Like 3

  4. Dear A Bear,


    I've been giving your forum name some thought and it seems to me that your forum name doesn't reflect you at all. Bears are so irritable and generally unintelligent while you seem both intelligent and easygoing. I have been made aware that there is another definition of "bear" in the gay community though if I understand that correctly you don't really fit that one either.


    This has really caused me a tremendous amount of anguish and personal difficulty over the past few days and I would like you to reconsider your name and branding strategy going forward.


    best regards,


    • Like 5

  5. Guess whose mom scored tickets to 2015 US Open, which just so happens to be located at beautiful Chambers Bay park and golf course in University Place, WA (one of Dreidel's favorite places to shit).


    No, she's not taking me, her first and only child, with her. But she is giving me the privilege of driving her and waking up at 4:00AM, which is why I'm writing this. So, Mom, if you read this, I hope you start dating a famous golfer today because I'm over this shit.


    Maybe if you took your son to fancy world championship sporting events he wouldn't feel the need to make internet friends on a podcast forum. So who's laughing now, mom?

    • Like 21

  6. Who is journalists


    Paula Poundstone? No.

    Tom Bodett? Yes.

    Shelby Ferro? Yes.

    Mo Rocca? Maybe.


    Alonzo Bodden? Inconclusive.

    Amy Dickinson? Inconclusive.

    Luke Burbank? Inconclusive. (Yes.)

    Roxanne Roberts? Inconclusive.

    Bobcat Goldthwait? Inconclusive.

    Maz Jobrani? Inconclusive.

    Charlie Pierce? Inconclusive.

    Kyrie O'Connor? Inconclusive.

    Mike Pesca? Inconclusive.

    • Like 9

  7. So fun's fun, guys, but this gang stuff is NOT cool. Someone from my own family is in a gang, and it is tearing us apart. I'm not even sure how to go about telling you about it, I'm still processing it myself.


    Here's what I found hidden in the toilet tank, and when I confronted Hurricane Dennis about it he sassed me right to my damn face! He was like, "Wuff!" I said, "Don't say that Dennis, you'll ALWAYS be my good boy! We love you so much, and did everything we could to bring you up right! How can you be making such a terrible decision?" Guess what he said then. "Wuf." I couldn't believe it either. I guess I never understood how it felt to be racially profiled as a vicious chowchow his whole life, but I tried one last time. "You don't have to feed into that stereotype Dennis. Don't give them the satisfaction of seeing you turn bad! Please!" He said "Wuff!," grabbed the machete from my hand and busted out through the screen door. I haven't seen him for hours and I'm getting really worried.


    Here's a closer look at his hidden journal, I don't even feel bad about prying because I'm grasping for any clues about who he might be with or where he might have gone.



    And the latest journal entry.




    If any of you have seen him or have info about where he might be hanging out, PM me, anonymously if that makes you feel more comfortable. I just want my good boy back. Oh and if you see him, he has a machete, so watch out.




    Parvo von Chupacabra is a missed opportunity in my opinion.

    • Like 8