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ill Neal

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Posts posted by ill Neal

  1. i saw this listed on netflix and it sounded interesting, but not interesting enough to convince me to watch it over "dead heat" (which i just watched and WAS FUCKING AWESOME).


    however, after seeing the preview on the first page, i have decided that i must see this movie.



    it's presently streaming on netflix. i just stumbled across it on netflix and decided to give it a watch.


    it starts off so cheezy. joe piscopo and treat williams? 15 minutes in you think it's going to be a real stinker.


    but holy shit, it turns out to be an awesome fucking movie. and even joe piscopo! he was charming. he got to deliver some of the best throwaway lines, like "i gotta piss so bad my teeth are starting to float". although the best throwaway line is during the final fight scene when what's-his-face shouts "shut up, ya old fart!" at vincent price.


    honestly, this movie is incredible. it's... so fucking weird... there were so many incredible throw away lines...


    for those of you who've seen it, i have to talk about my favorite scene. not sure if it was a gag as written or what, but i really got a kick out of when zombie treat williams is invading the lab at the end (just blasting away mortal security guards with no reservation i might add), and he encounters that other zombie, and they just stand there blasting each other with uzis, and then zombie treat wililams gets the other zombie in the ASPHYXIATION CHAMBER (who knew that would come back a second time?!?!), and as he's sealing the door, he's firing at him with the uzi, then he throws a grenade in the asphyxiation chamber, and then what i love is he squeezes a few more rounds through the edge of the door as its closing.



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  3. first of all, this is old. i completely forgot about this. i want to say it's from february.


    so back in "february" i met some friends at a bar on cherokee st. in st louis, one of those hip artist neighborhoods that is about 18 months out of the start of proper gentrification. we were at this bar called "the whiskey ring". a bar so cool they didn't even have PBR, just tecate and whiskey.


    it was in this bar that i saw, in the corner near a broken-down CD jukebox, this glorious oil painting of fucking STALLONE AS COBRA.


    i immeidately thought of BP and his affinity for that film based on the "how did this get made?" episode he guest starred in. so i had my friend take a picture of me with it.


    i don't know who in their right mind painted an oil-on-canvas recreation of the COBRA DVD box art, but i salute them. and i salute the whiskey ring for having this on display.


    seriously, it's nothing but olde-tyme photos of st louis during prohibition, and COBRA.


    i may repost this in the HDTGM/"Cobra" episode forum.



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  4. i've never seen this movie. but for some reason it popped in my head earlier toinght and HDTGM was the immediate next thing that popped in my head.


    the first one was good, though... OH! haha, that's why i thought about the blues brothers. i was at a hippie bar and they had a fender rhodes in the band and it reminded me of the original blues brothers which lead me to:



  5. oh man... i saw this movie in theaters as a kid. the most memorable scene from this movie is when they get that couple who know the codes or whatever, and they threaten to poke a hot iron in the girl's eye to get the code out of the dude. and then they give them the code, and then the bad guys throw them out of the train while going over an elevated bridge, and also shoot them with machine guns as they fall to their deaths.


    also satellites... i remember satellites...

  6. "Blake (Hulk Hogan), is a self-made millionaire from selling bodybuilding supplements, and is mean to his workers. One day, whilst on the way to a paintball game, he is driving recklessly in his car. Chased by the police, he drives to a shopping mall and hides out inside, changing into a Santa Claus costume. He slides down a garbage chute to escape the police and bangs his head, gettingamnesia. Mistaken by Lenny (Don Stark) as the mall Santa, Blake begins to think he is Santa Claus. Meanwhile, Ebner Frost (Ed Begley, Jr.), an evil scientist, is trying to take over an orphanage in order to gain access to the magical crystals underneath it. Frost dispatches his henchmen to destroy the orphanage, and only Blake can save the orphan children." - Wikipedia


    you had me at "ed Begley jr."

  7. i attempted to recommend this a while ago, but couldn't find the clip online that inspired me to recommend it in the first place. without that clip i gave up.


    the clip in question was a musical montage where Ed... the chimpanzee... plays sober driver to a drunken, passed out matt leblanc. it's 3 minutes of insanity that caps off a film that... well, read the description!!


    i first heard of this movie through AVClub's "i watched this on purpose" feature. but that article is probably 5 years old so the video clips don't link well.

  8. dude I actually liked this movie! correct me if i'm wrong, but wasn't this a john woo film? if not, it was done shortly after john woo directed slater in "broken arrow". i don't remember much about this movie except for a kind, elderly armored car guard who is gunned down mercilessly, a jet ski chase through a flooded graveyard (!!), and also how dark this film is. not like, thematically, but as in the entire film takes place at night, in rainfall.


    yeah this one gets my vote as well!

    • Like 2

  9. MEET DAVE!!!!


    I saw this movie a few years ago! it was crazy. that's all I remembered. if you guys like modern-day eddie murphy sci-fi adventures (and I know you do), I feel like this is a good compliment to "pluto nash".


    now I feel like I need to rewatch it. HEY EARWOLF WHAT'S WITH THE SELECTIVE AUTOCORRECT? you are forcefully capitalizing my "I"s (which is something I don't do in casual writing), but allowing me to misspell words and doing nothing about it?

  10. Nice little reveal on Sir Richard, btw. It's the kind of detail that really fleshes out a character (or in this case, it also de-fleshed him slightly).


    what strikes me as funny about this is that if you remember back to sir Richard's introduction (which was also one of the best moments of the show), he offers to explain his missing hand but none of the rest of the group care. I think brian spoke for the rest of the group when he straight up declined to hear the backstory of his missing hand. and here we are, some 25 episodes later, and we're just now discovering why he is missing a hand... WE discovered it. the listeners. the crew in the game still don't know, and probably don't care..!

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  11. as someone who has never played before (but totally wants to and am still trying to find a game in my area), i'm disappointed to hear that typical "dread" of a new player coming from an experienced player. but all of that being said, I thought DA was awesome, and pretty inspiring to someone who hasn't played before!


    sark had a good point in that anyone who is familiar with playing video games should also be familiar with the basic structure of D&D. i could see that.


    for a podcast, and for the pace of the game, the amount of players on NP is probably ideal. there's not much room to add more people, i get it. but i would totally enjoy having him coming back with his own character!

  12. When i take over a town, first i find the 'toughs' and make them work for me. No more stealing, raping, murders.

    All crime is punishable by death.

    Also i make sure everyone is fed and safe. But hold no qualms about burning down a quater of the city if it gives me trouble.

    Pay what you owe me in taxes and everythings fine. Dont, i just sell your children to slavers.


    All an all as long as you obey and are a productive member of society, your fine.

    if not..... well the Headsman needs practice.


    Yes i am evil thru actions not intent.


    (plus i activley genocide halflings when i can)


    that sounds like how I play SimCity 4...

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  13. i was really missing amarth amon... until i met damian wormwood darkomen.


    Meeting someone and instantly searching for evil in their souls seems like a pretty big social faux-pas, so maybe that limits how readily you use it at least in a social encounter.


    HAH. kind of like being introduced to someone and then immediately starting a conversation about how much money you make, or how much you hate president _____. nobody likes the guy who shows up and instantly starts scanning everyone for evil.

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  14. yeah, so...


    i just watched this movie this weekend. not for the first time, mind you. i've owned this movie on DVD for years, as it was one of our high school favorites. i hadn't watched it in ages, when i had friends in town for a HS wedding this weekend. so we busted it out.


    holy shit. my only regret was being sober while watching it. fucking incredible. this HDTGM must get made.


    and to paul, june, and jason may i just say, here's to you...



  15. i was at a friend's place last night hanging out, flipping channels on TV looking for something to watch. this came on and we flipped to it and were almost immediately hooked. i want to say there was probably 70 minutes left, but we figured we were a decent way into the movie and probably missed a ridiculously bad opening scene, as well as a hilariously awful introduction to our characters.


    we attempted to find it streaming on netflix to get a fresh start but couldn't find it. i want to say we caugh it on starz.


    man, so good... explding TVs, deer penis, mumbling, and the witty banter!!! bad boys wish they had a fucking rapport like these two!

  16. i just saw this movie. it was pretty great. there is so much i want to say about it to convince you that it's worth watching but i also don't want to ruin it. the movie, the bit actors, the writing, the backdrops, the premise... fucking everything.


    i highly recommend it, if not for the show, for fellow fans of schlocky bad movies. go watch it, it's pretty great!!!

  17. my advice is to wait. i know that's probably not what you wanted to hear, but i would wait until this adventure comes to an end (it will end, won't it?). you cant start working on it now, obviously. but a "best of season 1" is more appealing to listeners than "best of the first 50 episodes" and then on episode 56 they all die/win/crowned king nerds.


    i recently re-listened to this entire fucking podcast at work. as i did, i have a .txt file open in the background and whenver something notable or humorous happened, i took note. i have this episodal summary at work. i'll try to grab some of the best moments (in my opinion) when i get around to it. because there are some really, really funny moments.
