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Posts posted by PurplePerp

  1. This is so hard!! "let's get ready to rumble" is one of my favorites, but "in search of gear" is what hooked me for life. I have El Ryan's deadpanned "I disrobe" as the text-tone for my buddy who takes his shirt off a lot. I literally still remember where I was when I first heard it: on the light rail with all my luggage for Christmas break, dropping things because I was laughing so hard and everyone on the train staring at me. Classic.


    We should do Nerd Poker awards!! Each player get's their 'best episode' award, award for best botch, best rp'd moment, best npc (gotta include sarc), fan favorite character, best fight, best Blaine ad, most disturbing Sark creation, etc.. We could set up voting! :D

  2. Really no love For El Ryan and Spirit Bear!!!


    Amarth and Damien are merely two sides of the same coin.... a coin made of


    :::::insert sweet 18 mintue guitar solo from Kerry King::::::

    I read this in Brian's throaty 'Nerd Poker' metal voice from the beginning of the show. Thank you for the giggles, sir.


    I think that this is actually really true of the characters though--Amarth was like old school metal, simple (stupid) but hard (strong) as fuck. He reminds me of a guy from a biker gang or something. He wants to headbang and get drunk, to have fun with his buddies, but he wont pass up a chance for some rape or murder if it behooves him. He acts like a badass and backs it up.

    Damien? He's more like a 90's wanabee, on the goth/emo end of the metalhead spectrum. He's evil... but only because he thinks it's cool. He's emotional and vindictive and thinks the world is out to get him. He wouldn't just kill an unarmed prisoner for the good of the group, he'd roll his eyes and mumble about why they were taking a prisoner in the first place, and then command her to stop breathing. That's how I see it at least! Two sides of the same METAL coin. :D

    • Like 1

  3. Seriously?!? How the fuck did everyone not get that Stargoyle sucked Mildred's soul fragment into his tiny singularity?! Literally Sark was so obvious about it, unless Im crazy.

    Also, the stuff about Blaine was hillaious in the beginning. A great episode overall. Except I think Amarth should have at least tried to Kool Aide man the wall, just sayin.


  4. Mister Sarkington,


    Do you think that next time (Bahamut forbid) the gang has to skip an episode, you could do a solo DM update type episode? Like, discuss the things you've had to wing, what the gang has done that shocked you, what could have happened, etc?

    I just think that would be so awesome, plus you are everyone's favorite F of BP&F!


    Stay sexy my friend.

    • Like 1

  5. Going into the way back machine and throwing up a pic from episode 24: For Glinishmore and Bahamut!


    I precursor this by saying this is all Brian Poshen's fault! He specifically asked for it during the episode.


    I would also like to add apologies to Mildred (Sarah). Again, blame Mr. Poshen.


    That all being said, it was a pretty hilarious moment in the midst of all that chaos.








    I'm dying. This is so perfect. Worth the wait! Thank you for this.

    Literal Lols

  6. WOW missed the show. I was giggling my pants off.

    I looove Blackie Green--doesn't talk or give imput for like ten minutes, then someone suggests he should be his usual knowledge boss self and so he just casually tosses a 19 in the dice tray (which sounds kind of sexual btw). No wonder he talks in the third person.

    Also, anyone else think Sark pushed them a bit to follow the yellow lense road? I wouldn't be surprised if he made that up after their last session out of super frustration that they wen DOWN not up.... Like, what? Does that make sense to anyone? They play that clip from Die Hard all the time but the climax was on the top floor...no?

    In conclusion, Sir Richard is hilarious and Sark should marry me. Great episode

    • Like 1

  7. od3c.png


    My take on Sir Richard's brilliant ruse. That ole time "Does this look infected?" gag! Get's em every time!





    My take on Sir Richard's brilliant ruse. That ole time "Does this look infected?" gag! Get's em every time!




    So epic. Best framing ever. This would be the cover for the nerd poker graphic novel spin off.

  8. I feel like you're still catching up, but let me tell you, there is good news and bad news. The good news is you don't have to hear that (awesome and kind of hilarious) song as thee intro to your fav segment for many more episodes! The bad news is they just sort of eventually abandon that segment entirely. We haven't heard it in ages, which kind of sucks. Episodes should just be longer.

    Happy listening!

  9. BTW, supercool that they're finally off of the water world. Looking forward to new scenery after almost 7 months .

    Wow I can't believe it's been that long!


    Anyway I loved this episode--while I love fighting and action, I think these "slower" episodes really shine for character "development" and Sark's creativity and storytelling is AMAZING. That man....yum.

    We should start a drinking game for Nerd poker. Every time Sark says "sort of," would be first on the list.


    Blackee is so awesome BTW! If you think about it, he's this incredibly smart, incredibly beautiful man with this squad of crazy shit-stupid goons around him being assholes while he and Stargoyle figure things out and are actually thinking. What better familiar than Stargoyle?! I cant handle the cute!

    • Like 1

  10. Popped "Glinishmore" into an anagram finder out of curiousity.


    Hore Smiling

    Hero Smiling

    Moles Hiring

    Girlish Omen

    I Mis Leghorn

    I Ho Gremlins

    Single Ho Rim

    His Minor Leg <-

    Longer Him Is

    His Germ Loin

    So the actual spelling is Glennishmoore I think

    And this gave me an idea...

    Heeling Morons

    if only it was heAling morons, it would be so damn perfect!

    I wouldn't put it past them.

  11. Sark!


    The code word for your secret phone rolls should be like, a sighing raspberry lip-flapping sound. It's distinct but not suspicious.

    I need to know now that you said it! I was listening like crazy for it last episode but I couldn't tell.


    Also, did you role play with Gerry a little bit before he came back to figure out where he was "starting" in relation to the others, or did you just tell him what was going on off mic? Why is he missing a hand, did he just choose that?


    Any-hoo, you are awesome, stay incredibly sexy. Thanks!



    Seriously this had the feel of everything going wrong but Sark doing his best do keep the group alive for the narrative sake. Which is awesome!


    The part in fantasy Glinish Moore was fantastic....even more because I think he made it up on the spot.



    I don't think Sark made this up on the spot--well, at least not most of it. A few episodes back, when Sparklet was explaining the issue, he said that the planes unbalancing was upsetting a deity, and hinted that they had to correct it before it really pissed off the deity. So, I think he knew something like this was coming, it was just really lucky that Sir Douche managed to die first because that makes sense for his character.

    So, really I think he put them in way over their heads on purpose. He had to know shit was going to go wrong. If they had just gone down there, killed the king in 4-5 rounds, punched some guards, and booked while Sparklet pulled a Jesus, it wouldn't have been too believable, or rather, believable that they were messing with something way over their heads.

    Or shit, maybe Sark just made it all up right then. Either way, he's a badass and I'm in love with him.

    No seriously.


    Thats why I still wear the W.W.S.D. bracelet. NEVER FORGET.


    Brian - "a lot of nerds are going to be pissed off."


    He's a prophet. Sparklet (or spark-LET as token girl says) better get reformed! He is a hero! Or maybe he can go to Glenishmore heaven with Sir Richards limbs.

  14. eb3l0K1.jpg



    Hope this isn't too big. Anyways, thought I'd draw the characters for fun, it got a little crazy, and then I found this forum, so here we are.


    I might color it, but to be honest, I'm still learning how to do that. We'll see...


    Oh my god... this is so perfect. I like that you took it in such an epic rather than silly direction. Blackee is so earning his charisma here, he looks so sexy! Hah.


    I'm working on one of the group here Ararth and Sir Douche are arm wrestling in the middle, Blackie is working on his makeup, dragon-boy is hiding behind something, and token girl is facepalming off to the side. So far I'm not happy with the cartoony-ness of this because I drew real-life Sarc mwu-ha-ha-ing with dice in the clouds above them. But look forward to this lol

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