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Posts posted by mattyzmatty

  1. Richly deserved kudos to you both for conducting an interview with Paul Rust that didn't just hit all the obvious questions about It's Forty, I Love This Man, and The Object Of My Affection.


    Further kudos to you for stopping the show when it started to get a little too blue, even though it meant you didn't get to my question about if dogs have clits.


    Keep up the good work

    • Like 2

  2. I really gotta find some money for a Pro Version! PFT's phone messages are AMAZING! And that Secret Backpack... Jeez louise! NO OTHER PODCAST ON EARWOLF GIVES US TREASURE HUNTS! You got a lot of work to do, "How Did This Get Made" -- yeah, that's right, I said it. It's out there now. We all know who Hollywood Handbook's main rival is here on the site. A distant competitor, and the word competitor is being generous, but a competitor all the same ;) Regardless, I see no reason to be "civil" and pretend like there's no feud. Step it up, HDTGM! When will you guys launch your Secret Backpack contest, huh!?!

    I agree with this. Um, question: how did 'How Did This Get Made' get made? Huh? Boy I sure would of liked to of been a fly on the wall in that meeting!!


    Keep up the good work

    • Like 5

  3. Hi, I'm just catching up on this fresh and exciting podcast and I am finding it extremely fresh, and exciting. However, in this episode, I notice that you are both so awestruck by the famous Hollywood Star Blate Anderson that you let him get away with trying to correct you when you mention the name of his hit show Work Of Holics. He tells you it's 'Workaholics' and you're so starry eyed you don't have the guts to tell him he is flat out wrong.


    I know it takes a certain amount of toadying, apple polishing and straight up old fashioned (pardon the expression) ball bag dandling to make it in this crazy ol' business, but surely you two are long past that point.


    Anyway keep up the good work.

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