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Everything posted by Bernard_Shakey

  1. Bernard_Shakey

    EPISODE 5 - Mars Base 3

    "Leave it to me Starchild. I'll bend these beams with my mind." [media=''] [/media] The guys at How Did This Get Made ought to tackle this movie sometime.
  2. Cry 'Havok!', and let slip the Boys of Summer by Don Henley.
  3. Pay no attention to the man behind the meat curtains.
  4. Bernard_Shakey

    The Ol' Plug Segment Rag

    I bet'cha they've already used this one and its just on an ep they're holding on to for a bit. They had to have, right?
  5. Every time a bell rings, an Engineer Cody gets another bad tattoo.
  6. Bernard_Shakey

    EPISODE 2 - A Mechanic's Garage

    I agree with this statement. Matt was great in the first episode. However I'd also like to mention that Mark McConville was incredible in THIS episode. Don't worry, I get most white dudes confused for each other too. They all sound the same to me. (especially the Superego crew)
  7. Absinthe makes the fonts grow harder.
  8. Bernard_Shakey

    EPISODE 346 — That Is Wild

    Exactly. Tom was fine. Imagine if he had been boisterous and frantic with physical gags and stuff. This forum would be going ape-shit. To me, Tom was genuine. How could he not bring up his dead dogs after dogs were mentioned? I'm sure it's a constant in his mind right now. Yes it prob made everyone a little uncomfortable, but that's what his entire comedy career has been based on. It all comes down to chemistry (Walter White). These 3 guests just didn't mesh quite as well as anyone had hoped.
  9. Bernard_Shakey

    Clip: Mr. Joe Bongo (Andy Daly) Teaches Health

    This is going to be the best Monday EVAH!
  10. Bernard_Shakey

    EPISODE 344 — Classic Switcheroo

    More proof that PFT is a micro-man.
  11. Bernard_Shakey

    EPISODE 345 — Shifting Bouncy

    I loved this ep. Paul Brittain is most definitely underrated. He killed it again this time. The brother's suicide, the Fonzie stuff, the work schedule with two hour daily lunch preparation - all had me dying laughing. SCOTT, PLEASE HAVE PAUL BRITTAIN ON MORE! Also I've always liked Kyle B in all of the sit-coms (Situation Comedies) hes been in so it's been a shame none of them stuck around. He was a perfect guest for this type of ep, and was very funny in his own right. I'll have to check out Marvels Agent Peggy Sue.
  12. Bernard_Shakey

    EPISODE 344 — Classic Switcheroo

  13. Bernard_Shakey

    Spontaneanation logo

    I really like the logo and have already asked some friends if they could try to recreate the lapel pin. I wonder if Mr. Tompkins would consider making the pin available through the Earwolf store or by other means?
  14. Bernard_Shakey

    EPISODE 344 — Classic Switcheroo

    Also judging from this picture, he's approximately 2/3 the size of an average man. (This may lend to argument him of being rail thin.)
  15. Bernard_Shakey

    EPISODE 344 — Classic Switcheroo

    Scott you stupid idiot! Dog Day Afternoon? That famous courtroom scene in Dog Day Afternoon? Really? [media='']http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BofddwtPBPw[/media] JK, Love Ya!
  16. Bernard_Shakey

    EPISODE 2 - A Mechanic's Garage

    OMG! The improv was insane. Did anyone get a count on how many characters appeared in this ep? When even Shulie Cowen lost track of who was still living, towards the end of the scene, I lost it. The plot was barely hanging on by a thread, but gosh darn, if I didn't love every minute of it. Mark McConville's announcer voice is on point. I think I love this new show.
  17. Bernard_Shakey

    EPISODE 344 — Classic Switcheroo

    From Boy to Boots - Asking what kind, that is.
  18. Now is the Winter of our discontent. Coming up later, today's 'Sunday Afternoon Movie' - The Pirates of Penzance
  19. Bernard_Shakey

    EPISODE 343 — Athlete's Head

    I was wanting to make basically the same point. What got me the most was the foist time Brendon slipped up a little and Tiny started to respond for Victor and he caught himself, and passed it back over to Victor. I lost it. Jon/Gino nailed it again this ep. He's so damn quick, and you can tell Scott loves to play the aggravated host to his inept intern. Alicia Witt was delightful and played along wonderfully without trying to be funnier that the professional comedians. I also really enjoyed her in Justified, and thought she nailed her character's southern accent. For me this is the best ep of the year so far! I hope to heck that Tiny and Victor get to make some guest appearances on some of the newer Earwolf shows.
  20. Bernard_Shakey

    EPISODE 1 - A Denny's Parking Lot

    That was awesome. I love all the PFT references.
  21. Bernard_Shakey

    EPISODE 1 - A Denny's Parking Lot

    Also Busy's kids names are Birdie and Cricket?! Wow! That's Hollywood for ya'. (more like Holly-Weird if you ask me)
  22. Bernard_Shakey

    EPISODE 1 - A Denny's Parking Lot

    I was hoping that I would visit https://www.meundies.com/ and discover it was an April fools joke site, but nay. I guess at Earwolf even Paul F. Tompkins has to pay his dues by reading ads for underwear.
  23. Bernard_Shakey

    EPISODE 342 — A Silicon Valley P-Cast

    Who did the killer Harry Caray impression at 04:04?