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Everything posted by Bernard_Shakey

  1. Bernard_Shakey

    EPISODE 333 — Pit Stop

    I think GayHammer is just Claudia Doherty reviving her former internet troll character Rats Pine?
  3. Bernard_Shakey

    The Forum Forum

    So no slow-motion pair of bouncing boobies then?
  4. That's no moon. It's a space-station. Not everything is a moon Larry!
  5. You've never heard of chef Melanie M. Falcon? She's the chef that made the lettuce wrap with less than twelve parsnips.
  6. Bernard_Shakey

    Episode 69 — Betsy Sodaro, Our Close Friend

    I finally got to listen to this ep this afternoon, and I have to say Betsy Sudeikis is a delight. She knows all kinds of cool references and is very funny. Not the embarrassing uncool kind of funny but more like Daniel Day-Lewis funny and cool.
  7. Bernard_Shakey

    The Ol' Plug Segment Rag

    This is a winner. Engineer Codys, take note!
  8. AstronomicalCat just broke rule 2
  9. Bernard_Shakey

    Episode 332 — What Winsome Said

    Last weeks lazy hunchback and this weeks The Offspring joke makes me wanna shout a Mantzoukas style "What is happening?!"
  10. Bernard_Shakey

    What guest do you want to see?

    Good call. I looked up the eps and I remember the earlier one but cant recall at all second ep with them both - http://www.earwolf.com/episode/penises-abounding/ Gives me something to listen to today anyway. Sorry for the Technicality No Down Boo Over. I started drinking and watching Key and Peele clips on youtube and didn't do my due diligence to research my brain thoughts.
  11. Bernard_Shakey

    What guest do you want to see?

    I know this has got to have been suggested before, and if not then FOR SHAME bu,t you just gotta get Key and or Peele on the broadcast!
  12. Jane's good-n-all, but can she talk to my misty monkey?
  13. I before E - except after the "C" word.
  14. I'm not accusing or anything, but Louis CK used that catchphrase like 4 years ago.
  15. It's like I told my friend Andy Dufresne: You either get busy living, or or get Busy Philipps. ...She's great in everything.
  16. My anaconda don't want none, unless you are willing to teach said anaconda about double negatives and proper grammar.
  17. Im slightly cheesed off that this topic has surpassed April Fools Rebel and my previous record for most replies to a catchphrase, but i guess I might as well just help to insure that this one never gets overtaken. So BabaBooey to y'all.
  18. Bernard_Shakey

    Episode 331 — Secret Superlatives

    The through the phone blow-jangle made me think of this kissing device. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v0uYb7AWKwY Kissenger version 2.0 system consists a pair of robots to transmit kiss over internet in real-time via a server.
  19. Bernard_Shakey

    Episode 331 — Secret Superlatives

    I'm just waiting for one of you pigs to post about how cute or sexy one of these female guests look to you. Guys! It's not that kinda show. Okay? These are brilliant performers here. Let's keep it classy. Now that that's out of the way; I liked the part where LL's character's dick kept getting bigger every time Mary Holland talked about her mom's pussy.