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Everything posted by Bernard_Shakey

  1. Bernard_Shakey

    Rubbing peters to pay Paul.

    Words are fun.
  2. Bernard_Shakey

    A new PFT show?!

    Could you imagine if Ho Ho ( Ho Ho ) ever appeared on a show with the caking gentleman? The introductions alone could take hours.
  3. Bernard_Shakey

    Episode 328 — Beatle Heaven

    Last one: Also is it just me or is it really weird seeing the singular word "Beatle"? For real.
  4. Bernard_Shakey

    Episode 328 — Beatle Heaven

    You think Mall McCartney and Mall Blart are related?
  5. Bernard_Shakey

    Episode 328 — Beatle Heaven

    I play a Jonathan Taylor Thomas
  6. Bernard_Shakey

    Stay at home, MOM!

    I love this.
  7. Bernard_Shakey

    Episode 328 — Beatle Heaven

    Math correction: A '67 Martin acoustic guitar would be 67 years old. (not 48, sorry Scott)
  8. I stand by my words! JK What the heck happened? I smell an Engineer Cody at play here! Tried to post a meme ended up posting an alpha-numeric display of John Daly's brain functions. As Gilly would say: sorry
  9. Bernard_Shakey

    Comedy Bang Bang Into Your Mouth

    I like it dude. Might wanna cut it down closer to 30 seconds
  10. Bernard_Shakey

    Episode 327 — Bang! Bang! Into Your Mouth!

    "Speaking of Solo Bolo, Don't mind if I do." - Scott
  11. Bernard_Shakey

    Episode 328 — Beatle Heaven

    I've heard of Jan Hooks, but Jan. 8? (RIP) I love it how a bad experience at a live show evolves into having this band on the show, and so far they are great. I'm def gonna check out these guys records.
  12. Bernard_Shakey

    Lists of Scott's "rules" to life

    They should introduce a bill where every public bathroom has to be either all automated or all manual "across the board" -Who Charted ep214
  13. Bernard_Shakey


    Five Leaves Left, Nick Drake
  14. Bernard_Shakey

    Episode 327 — Bang! Bang! Into Your Mouth!

    I declare uncle Stoney the best new charac of the year! Okay, so only one episode in, but still funny as hell.
  15. Bernard_Shakey

    Weird theory about scott

  16. This is pretty insensitive.
  17. The Force Awakens - into my mouth.
  18. Bernard_Shakey

    Episode BO2014.4 — Best of 2014 Pt 4

    Open up the plugbag for Frank W. Pulaski III His vids kill me every time. Watch till the end and see if you can spot a cameo by a certain hairless droid. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCRQzOjtjVCWR-WC-fuVGWtA http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_JUX3z6YJO0
  19. Bernard_Shakey

    Just wondering (sort of off topic)

    I don't know if anyone posted any of Frank W. Pulaski III 's videos that Scott and Paul mentioned in the last Best Of Ep but they are all hilarious and I cant help but laugh at every one of them even though I know what's coming. Also watch till the end to see a cameo by a certain hairless droid. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jQLFJbFcu9A
  20. Wait a minute, this aint 2014.
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