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Everything posted by Bernard_Shakey

  1. Bernard_Shakey

    Episode BO2014.1 — Best of 2014 Pt 1

    If the plug bag is still open - I wanna plug this guy who made a few JW Stillwater comics. This guy is a true artist and genius not just a cut n paster like myself. http://penguinpanic....oved-the-paul-f http://penguinpanic.tumblr.com/tagged/comedy-bang-bang
  2. Bernard_Shakey

    Episode BO2014.1 — Best of 2014 Pt 1

    Found this on Amazon. Add it to your wish list today.
  3. Bernard_Shakey

    Episode BO2014.1 — Best of 2014 Pt 1

    I think Nancy Kerrigan said "why" and "help me" but never "why me" or "why anybody" Am I wrong?
  4. Bernard_Shakey

    Episode BO2014.1 — Best of 2014 Pt 1

    So far, no Barry from down the hall off mic laughter. Hmm?
  5. Bernard_Shakey

    But Octopi don't keep gardens, Ringo

  6. I joined Squarespace for the Getty images but can't find one single picture of my favorite Golden Girl.
  7. Bernard_Shakey

    The CBB Guest Network - redux

    If there's a bright center to the CBB universe it's Paul F. Tompkins.
  8. You mean "Cruel to be Kind"? (= Nick Lowe = Hamlet = Billy Shakespear)
  9. Bernard_Shakey

    The CBB Guest Network - redux

    Poor Taran Killam and Paul Brittain - Floating alone out there in the cold darkness.
  10. I can't believe I found this at a thrift store today. Very rare.
  11. Bernard_Shakey

    Episode 326 — 2014 Holiday Spectacular

    James A-bone-ian.
  12. Saw this ep this morning and almost cried. So much "content" this week! Thanks Scott. 2 minutes in and Jesus and the c- word in the same sentence. I love this show! I feel like they missed some thing when speaking of "Postcards from Thedge." (photoshop idea)
  13. Bernard_Shakey

    Ba Zinga! That's a good catchphrase!

    Matt Besser does not agree.
  14. Bernard_Shakey

    Episode 99 — A View To a Kill: LIVE

    There's no way I was gonna read a post this long. I can only assume this is part of the 7 page review on Amazon that Paul mentions at the end of the ep. Also I hear Earwolf pays for server storage by the word. Let's stay concise folks.
  15. Bernard_Shakey

    Episode 326 — 2014 Holiday Spectacular

    Whats wrong with that? Why so neg bra?
  16. Bernard_Shakey

    Episode 326 — 2014 Holiday Spectacular

    Gonna have to splurge and get me some zero malt scotch for my next sex party.
  17. Bernard_Shakey

    Episode 326 — 2014 Holiday Spectacular

    Grandma Tarkin
  18. Bernard_Shakey

    Questions about TV show

    I have time for one more, then it's Helen Thomas' turn.