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Everything posted by Bernard_Shakey

  1. Bernard_Shakey

    Episode 224.5 — Sklarbro County 129

    Just wondered if anyone here wanted to join my Fantasy Porcelain Figurine Collecting League. Go sports!
  2. Bernard_Shakey

    Episode 321 — Big Fat Voice

    Gosh I hope so.
  3. Bernard_Shakey

    Episode 321 — Big Fat Voice

    Man Gabrus is just so darn quick. Between the uncle in the deli slicer and the Jay Mohr joke, he's on fire and I'm just getting started on this ep.
  4. Bernard_Shakey

    Episode 97 — Rhinestone: LIVE!

    Two Smurfs smurfing on cotton.
  5. #7 http://www.rollingstone.com/music/news/12-things-we-learned-from-howard-sterns-interview-with-neil-young-20141014
  6. Bernard_Shakey

    Episode 97 — Rhinestone: LIVE!

    I was genuinely afraid for Dolly in this clip at 1:44. "Tone it down Sly."
  7. Bernard_Shakey

    I let the dogs out.

  8. Scatman Crothers was shootin' the shit long before your mama ever even thought of trimming her azaleas.
  9. Bernard_Shakey

    Episode 97 — Rhinestone: LIVE!

    Quagmire's bedroom!
  10. Bernard_Shakey

    whats yr all-time fav UTU2TM joke

    The "Engineer Cody" Title that now applies to all engineers.
  11. It's not that kind of show.
  12. "We gain nothing by losing our heads!"
  13. "Choppin worms to get more worms" made me choke.
  14. I feel like I end up "Like"ing most everyone's catchphrases. And it's probably because when I read them I hear in my head exactly how Scott would say them and it makes me laugh.
  15. Bernard_Shakey

    Episode 320 — Charging Kids

    Me too - And Sir Michael Winslow!
  16. Bernard_Shakey

    "The Sylvester Stallone Podcast"

    IWasThereToo is great and I love the premise. If future guests have similar interesting stories about famous actors and directors then it will succeed. The Cannon was good. Both hosts seem to know their stuff. I tried to listen to OMFG but listening to a 22 year old talk about hooking up and constantly saying "Um, Yeah" was just unbearable for me. I cant believe that dude is a standup cause he can't even have a simple conversation.
  17. I have and im not sure i can roll with you guys. You all are ballers. I think i could like it there but getting started is the hard part. It's like trying to jump into double dutch jumprope without getting tangled. You guys are quick. Ill drop in soon.
  18. Ive already registered "Andrew" on the Wolfpop site.
  19. Bernard_Shakey

    "The Sylvester Stallone Podcast"

    I was really excited till I tried using the boards - They suck!
  20. Bernard_Shakey

    "The Sylvester Stallone Podcast"

    a whole new network dedicated to popular culture
  21. Bernard_Shakey

    "The Sylvester Stallone Podcast"

    "Earwolf is very comedy-forward, so basically it's coming from a comedic premise for the most part, so for Wolfpop we wanted to open it up a little. Obviously there will be funny shows, but we also wanted to make it shows that are just really fun, because so many of the podcasts I listen to — like Serial or Freakonomics and stuff like that — those are some of my favorite podcasts, but they're not necessarily comedy-centric. So I just kind of went down the list of people I liked and thought I'd do some big asks of people and see if they would be interested. And we have some more interesting people coming up as we continue on — these 13 are just the launch lineup."
  22. Bernard_Shakey

    "The Sylvester Stallone Podcast"

  23. Bernard_Shakey

    Episode 320 — Charging Kids

    In numerology Victor may be a 7. But in my heart he'll always be a 10.
  24. Can you tell me how to get to Sesame Street and Martin Luther King Jr. Boulevard? I'm supposed to buy some drugs there.