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Everything posted by Bernard_Shakey

  1. "Words that sound alike even though they have different meanings, they should mean the same thing."
  2. Can we start a sub-thread with a list of Scott's rules to live his life? Like how every restaurant should just be called restaurant. And how he'll only go to a show if he has front row, center seats. There's more. What else, what else?
  3. She blinded ME, with science?
  4. Buttery, honeycomby, sunflowery, kernely, beef cutlets.
  5. Bernard_Shakey

    And I think to myself...

  6. One question. How does PFT expect to impress any more members of psychedelic rock bands if he DOESN'T WEAR SOCKS!
  7. That catchphrase just made me squirtle.
  8. Bernard_Shakey

    Hime Wheels All Toons

    Hime Wheels All Toons
  9. http://gizmodo.com/this-magical-pair-of-underwear-can-filter-out-your-fart-1449799781
  10. Bernard_Shakey

    Episode 313 — Gumbo Challenge

    Great display name bro. Love it.
  11. Ha, I started to work on mine at work and then bailed, opting to finish at home and not risk someone walking up behind me and my PC. Also A New Duck welcome to the forums, great job on the artwork. The merging of both was brilliant. Be sure and post those on Twitter.
  12. I was gonna tell you about the mathematician who loved to eat Pi, but I refuse to cater to the lowest common denominator.
  13. Okay, I had to give it a shot also and see what it would look like with Scott holding Scott instead of Scott holding Scott.
  14. Bernard_Shakey

    Episode 313 — Gumbo Challenge

    I love that only CBB fans would get that joke. Well done KP. I lol'd
  15. Bernard_Shakey

    Episode 313 — Gumbo Challenge

    We had that once - got mixed reviews.
  16. Bernard_Shakey

    Episode 313 — Gumbo Challenge

    I too was crying to at Horatio's Don Pardo. It started out really well and then just d-evolved into screaming. I was also waiting for Benny n the Scott to make a joke about the guests name like "InterPaul" - but alas. Good ep. ...Great ep.
  17. Bernard_Shakey

    Corect me if I'm rong

    Corect me if I'm rong
  18. Let's get goin' on the cheeseburgers.
  19. Give a man a lifetime and you feed him to a fish. Also I should mention I'm dyslexic.