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Everything posted by Bernard_Shakey

  1. Bernard_Shakey

    Episode 107 โ€” Maybe It's Maybelline

    MAILER-DAEMON@yahoo.com To Me Today at 1:23 PM Sorry, we were unable to deliver your message to the following address. <NKhooray@aol.com>: Remote host said: 550 5.1.1 <NKhooray@aol.com>: Recipient address rejected: aol.com [RCPT_TO]
  2. I'm in. The "Other" votes are leading too! 'Illuminati Mason Rapes' would be my second choice.
  3. Bernard_Shakey

    Episode 106.5 โ€” It\'s A Fucking Podcast: Pt. 2

    One of my favorite lines is when Scott is interpreting the Cake-wolf's distinctive (ha-cha-cha) language he say's "I was walking down the street. I saw a Jimmy Durante film festival..."
  4. The shortest distance between two points is a straight lime.
  5. Thanks Beves. It figures Scott-O-Bot would pick a throw away submission in the middle of a whisky fueled group of 4 or 5, all of which I think were better than this one. But still a privilege and definitely made my week.
  6. Bernard_Shakey

    Episode 297 โ€” Canadian Apparel

    Yeah it took me way too long to figure out where he was going. The pants-less sailor suit went right over my head. But once Scott got to the bottom of it, it really took off for me. Also, I hate to be negative but I'll just say that although I love some of Adomian's characs his recent stuff hasn't been my favorite. He seems to be going more and more blue, which is okay for some performers but for him it just seems like he is being a little lazy, especially after some really smart and great performances. (At the same time, I know I'm being a hypocrite, because 'A worthy Uh' is one of my favorite eps, where James' Alan Rickman turns his testicles into Glock pistols and gets Scott to "suck him off")
  7. Bernard_Shakey

    Episode 297 โ€” Canadian Apparel

    The first 20 minutes of this episode were the best. Scott's goofiness played great against Nate's straight man style. Also glad Scott brought up Jazz Jazz, (a classic, and future CBB 'Hall of Fame' charac.)
  8. "From 'Blue' to 'Hurley', Earwolf's favorite director delves into Weezer on...
  9. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_QWYfZLdkAE
  10. My idea is: Jon Hamm discusses the 60's classic rock/ blues band Canned Heat on "Canned Hamm."
  11. Bernard_Shakey

    Episode 9 โ€” Hollywood Bowl

    "Technicality no down boo over"
  12. Bernard_Shakey

    Episode 9 โ€” Hollywood Bowl

    I was thinking the exact same thing. What kinda outfit does a PFT wear to a Phish show?
  13. Bernard_Shakey

    Another stupid suggestion

    I'm just replying to this post because I'm really worried about Steve. I mean, only 4 posts since May 30th of 2011?! He said he was just going out to post this catchphrase suggestion and he'd be back in 15 minutes and that's the last I ever heard from him. If you've seen or heard anything, please say something to your nearest local podcaster. I won't give up hope Steve. I know you're still out there.
  14. The choosing of the new leader has begun. Quickly, gather the deciding rods, from their storage cases next to the tennis rackets in the garage. No, next to the croquet set on top of the weed wacker! - Thanks Jerry.
  15. The Fibonacci sequence is a number pattern in which each subsequent number is the sum of the previous two. Fibonacci Sequins are a shiny number pattern that look FABULOUS!
  16. When life gets you down, just think about how you wouldn't have anymore pain if you were dead.
  17. Not since Lee Iacocca won the '78 Preakness has my love for all things equine, so drawn the attention of the rivaling Chinese team.
  18. Bernard_Shakey

    Ha! You had me at vertical rectangle.
  19. Bernard_Shakey

    Episode 296 โ€” Taking the Bladder Out

    Good ep. I wish Show' could've stayed for the whole thing, but C'est la vie. (excuse my french) Neil didn't really do anything for me this time, but I loved when Scott and Wain went back and forth with their cliche' obvious jokes (again the French) Part of me was hoping that MIB was gonna call in on a bad phone line and complete the comedy Triforce. Still good ep. (Great ep.)
  20. Bernard_Shakey

    gnab gnab idemoc ut mocleuw

    Based on Scott mis-attributing me with this catchphrase, I can accurately pinpoint the recording of this weeks episode to Wednesday, June 14th between 10:28 AM and 3:54 PM. Sorry April Fools Rebel - a little too late. (Oh and sorry too AstronautDown) And give it up to thevoblex, for resurrecting this thread from September 2012! Remember 2012? It seems like years ago for me. Were we ever so young?
  21. Bernard_Shakey

    Episode 295 โ€” I Turned It On For The Dog Penis

    To be honest, these guys did't do much for me during the show. But thank the maker, Scott did have them on because Next Time on Lonny is freaking hilarious! - and I probably would never have found it without this ep. Their 'Choose Your Own Adventure' episode is great so far, but I haven't been able to get past the part where you choose whether or not to use the n-word. (yes and)
  22. When the first men of the new race ask who did these things, we will proudly reply... Um, I'm not sure, I think his name was Jerry?
  23. Your insistence on me checking in with you every time I leave the bouncy house, has really put me in a bind, Lord Thunderpuss.
  24. Bernard_Shakey

    Episode 294 โ€” Honk Shoo

    "Funking up the close bag" by Jizzy Gillespie and the Cummy Bears NICE!
  25. Not since I challenged Abe Vigoda to a duel has my mother so vehemently denied my birthright.