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Everything posted by Bernard_Shakey

  1. I really need to get a life, but instead I did this.
  2. Listening to "Boots" (getting them on, that is) I heard Elvis Costello's "Pump it Up" too. http://youtu.be/oXUaE2D7_cU
  3. There's something pundamentally wrong about that joke.
  4. According to Merriam-Webster's dictionary, 'According to Jim' was a horrible TV sit-com, according to every one.
  5. Bernard_Shakey

    Episode 287 — Stinky Chips

    According to their site: "The subscription costs $11 per pair of socks per month, which includes tax and shipping." $11 SOCKS!? Don't tell the guy complaining about the $80 Bonobos pants.
  6. It sounds like they're heading in that REM direction. (Man I hope not) I could definitely get behind all three of those classic bands, (especially, my namesake Neil Young) but I doubt it. Might I suggest an established Cali based band like the RHCP. Maybe the Peppermen could make an appearance.
  7. Bernard_Shakey

    Episode 287 — Stinky Chips

    When was Ron Howard Scott's boss?
  8. Bernard_Shakey

    Episode 287 — Stinky Chips

    I think the funniest moment of this episode occurred within the first 20 seconds. http://sockpanda.com ?!?
  9. Every time a bell rings Criss Angel gets an STD.
  10. She had a face like Abe Vigoda but her penmanship was impeccable.
  11. "Three cheers for General Veers! His assault on Echo Base left the rebels in tears!"
  12. Bernard_Shakey

    Did you see this? Scott's yearbook on ebay?

    Looks like a young Mayim Bialik.
  13. If you're going to Bing something, please use Google.
  14. I went to school with a Barry Sax.
  15. Oh man, I'm so bad at these. Is it, um, Camper Bone Bone? (No, cant be. That would make 13 down "Abraham Pincoln")
  16. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uKcIhLV5SNI
  17. Bernard_Shakey

    Episode 286 — Time Bobby 3

    Scott's Fourvel sounded a bit like Edith Bunker.
  18. You know, when you're a rookie, they can teach you everything about bein' a cop except how to live with a milkshake.
  19. Scotty reaching way back for this one. Voblex strikes again!
  20. Bernard_Shakey

    Episode 286 — Time Bobby 3

    "Annie way you want it- that's the way you need it"
  21. Bernard_Shakey

    Episode 285 — Solo Bolo

    ^ Now that's a compendium! Way to go, super fan Vigo!
  22. Barry Lyndon never sold maple syrup and the wondering woods-people were better off for it!