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Everything posted by Bernard_Shakey

  1. Bernard_Shakey

    Episode 85 ā€” Color of Night

    When the lady in the beginning jumps out of the window they show her falling at about 35 or 40 feet away from the building. Who is she Jesse Owens? (did he do the long jump?)
  2. I'm going reply to this because: 1. I think it's funny. 2. There's a chance Scott might mis-attribute it to me.
  3. Jar Jar Binks may taste like pumpkin pie, but I'd never know cause I wouldn't eat the filthy mother Gungan.
  4. Bernard_Shakey

    Episode 8 ā€” Pop

    Am I mistaken, or did I hear The Choctaw refer to Antarctica as being "up" - as in North?
  5. Bernard_Shakey

    Episode 80 ā€” Enigma Force Five Reunion

    I love it when I see someone going back and starting from the beginning. I did the same thing. Keep em coming Slinky.
  6. Bernard_Shakey

    Episode 84.5 ā€” Minisode 84.5

    Paul also mentioned a question somebody "Wrotes" Can I get a time stamp on that penis? Not for me...
  7. Bernard_Shakey

    Episode 7 ā€” Zooropa

    And scene. - Gesundheit
  8. Bernard_Shakey

    If you like bagels, you're in luck! They still exist!

    Wow! January 17th. Scotty was saving this ep for a rainy day. Or probably just a grueling week of shooting season 3.
  9. I wonder if they were Saline or Silicone.
  10. Comedy Rainbow is made possible by a grant from Kellogg's, who urges you to explore the joys of reading, funding for the series is also provided by the Corporation for Public Broadcasting.
  11. Speaking of the IRA, taxes are due in about two weeks. Just a reminder.
  12. Bernard_Shakey

    Episode 279 ā€” Reverse April Fools

    "Like Alex Mac." "From Mac and Me?" Two great references from my childhood.
  13. Bernard_Shakey

    Episode 35 ā€” Senses

    So glad they touched on some of the Dutch masters of light like Vasco da Gama, and Montezuma.
  14. Bernard_Shakey

    Welcome to Comendy Bang Bang....

    You obviously missed the one where Kai Ryssdal did the whole show drunk and couldnt stop talking about how Terri Gross is a slut in bed.