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J Linc

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Posts posted by J Linc

  1. The thing about this movie is that it doesn't seem like a so-bad-it's-good movie and that sitting through it is a grueling exercise in endurance. It doesn't sound like it's particularly ridiculous, just unpleasant. Simply being a bad movie isn't enough, it needs a certain something, and not simply a movie that wallows in unpleasantness. And whether you love it or hate it, I get the feeling that the creators accomplished what they set out to do: create an endurance test. I certainly recommend Dancer in the Dark or Funny Games because they are difficult to watch or are audacious.


    Although not as graphic, something like either version of "Funny Games" to me is very similar to "A Serbian Film."

  2. Who else would like an official thread to recommend potential guests you'd think would be great for the podcast?


    . . . Just me? :mellow:


    Some recommendations:


    - Seth Andrews for "Atheism Vol. 2" or "Religious Upbringing Vol. 2"



    - Benjamin Radford for "Skepticism"



    - Aubrey de Grey for "Aging"



    - Cara Santa Maria for "Neuroscience" or "The Brain Vol. 2"



    - Kyle Munkittrick for "Bioethics" or "Selfhood/What is the Self?"



    - George Dvorsky for "Transhumanism" or "Personhood/Are Some Animals Non-Human Persons?"



    - Nick Bostrom for "Are We Living in A Simulation?"


  3. Some random titles to consider adding to the FYI database . . .


    "Island of Death"



    "The Eighteenth Angel"






    "Dish Dogs"



    "I've Been Waiting for You"



    "The Clown at Midnight"



    "Tell Me No Lies"



    "Devil's Prey"



    "Cruel Intentions 3"



    "Screamers: The Hunting"



    "Against the Dark"



    "Wild Things 2"



    "Wild Things: Diamonds in the Rough"



    "Wild Things: Foursome"



    "The Lost"









    Sorry, IMDb had too many restrictions on what we could do with their API (couldn't import posters, etc).


    If you submit your list of movies here or through the contact form at fyi.earwolf.com/contact we can do our best to get them added to the site.


    What about titles that aren't listed on Rotten Tomatoes (i.e. are straight-to-DVD, foreign or are not well known)?


    We tried imdb first, but Rotten Tomatoes had more features to offer


    which movies can't be found? I can try and add them for you


    There's quite a few, but it would be much easier to just be able to link both Rotten Tomatoes and IMDb if possible . . . ?


    I promise, they are real/legit movies.

  6. Would there be any way to include IMDb as another resource to obtain movie titles from to submit as recommendations? Some worthy options are not available or found through your search via Rotten Tomatoes, so I just thought that might be worth some thought.


    . . . :huh: ?


    Episodes where one of the gang is missing always feel weird to me. Not crazy about that idea.


    That being said, June sat through Punisher War Zone so she can handle a fair amount of violence. I couldn't even make it passed the guy grinding in the glass and I think that's the first 20 minutes.


    See? :mellow:

  8. A highly controversial movie from Serbia, screened at many festivals and eventually banned in quite a few countries. The original, uncut/uncensored version of the film can be found on DVD or can be found (illegally, obviously) on YouTube.


    Definitely an extremely disturbing movie to say the least, but if the "HDTGM?" gang can handle certain aspects of something like "Sleepaway Camp," I think they'll be able to ultimately get through something like "A Serbian Film."

  9. Much as I love SMG, she clearly has a very limited range. Whedon got some magic out of her, but I've rarely seen her in anything else that I enjoyed. Other than Cruel Intentions, of course.




    Considering her work on "Buffy" (not to mention her two guest spots on "Angel") as well as some of her film work including the likes of "Cruel Intentions" and "Veronika Decides to Die," I'll have to very much agree to disagree on that.


    She's underrated/underestimated, in my opinion.
