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Posts posted by ieatpants

  1. This is such an attractive line up


    obviously you are referring to the attractiveness of the personalities of all the guests (and host) -- otherwise, what kind of monster would you be if you mentioned jarles' fantastic suit and perfectly coiffed mustachio -- or even Bitsy's Boo's perfect teeth?!?


    just kidding, i would bone all the people on the this ep, in one big writhing mass of flesh, no less.

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    Real music as in music made for music's sake, rather than made for parody and comedy's sake. I appreciate some musical comedy, but its a niche. I can't fathom only appreciating comedic music, seems like such misuse of an art form


    obviously you should like whatever kind of music that you like.

    but for what or whose (whom's?) sake music is made seems irrelevant... especially to your bigger point -- which is (i think) that fans of comedy music are hipsters and/or are self righteous?


    i don't even know if that's what you're trying to say. all i do know is that if someone wants to listen to solely musical comedy and nothing else, they should be able to do that and enjoy it and it's not really fair of you to judge them for it.


    personally, i love weird al, but like most people, i also listen to other artists, who generally don't sing parodies. regardless of whether or not a song is funny or not, it's definitely real music, and it occasionally makes me feel inspired, sad, happy, or something else entirely.

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    As a person who loves real music, I would vote no... being a fan of and/or witnessing in concert ONLY weird Al would not endear her to only genuinely interesting people, maybe self important hipstery people, who I don't always find as interesting as they think they are



    you love "real music" you say?

  4. Guys. I have never felt more blessed than when Len Wiseman mockingly described the joke in my name. Holy shit. I was late in listening to this ep because I just had a kid this weekend and basically this is my Best Week Ever with Paul F. Tompkins.


    first of all, congrats.

    secondly, i'm very impressed that you were able to listen AND comment despite just giving birth.

    and lastly, it warms my heart and restores my faith in humanity to know that there is a litlte VajayjayLeno running around out there.



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