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Everything posted by Splendor

  1. Splendor

    Earwolf Live VPN Schedule!

    What happened to the video shows?
  2. Splendor

    General Snus Ads on Earwolf Shows

    Thank you for taking the time to explain the thought process behind this decision. I think it's great that the hosts can decide whether or not to run an ad on their show but as CEO of Earwolf you're still ultimately responsible for the content (ads included) of every show. Have you thought about possibly labeling each show that accepts tobacco or alcohol ads in the future? It might be a nice tool for parents of teenage comedy fans who don't want them targeted with ads meant for adults.
  3. Tweaking According to Electric Coach My favorite part is around 10:28
  4. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HxAWAQ-nDVQ
  5. Splendor


    I registered http://wompupthejamz.com and forwarded it to Jessica St. Clair's twitter profile. I tweeted her to see if she wanted the domain (for free) but didn't get a response so I'm posting here. If Jessica or CBB wants the domain just hit me up on twitter (@Splendor) and I'll transfer it to you. I just didn't want such a sweet domain to go to waste.
  6. Splendor


    The domain has been transferred to Earwolf.