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rod aug

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Posts posted by rod aug

  1. It would be kind of neat if the CBB tv show had a super drunk, high, 6 foot, ten year old mentally handi-cap child in the audience, and scott never ever acknowledges or addresses them the whole show. You will just occasionally see a silent tear run down his cheek whenever his punchlines are drowned out, and then eventually the kid takes scott's job and is accredited for the success of the show since the audience laughter seems to always coincide with the kid's violent outbursts. Or Scott tries to gain control of the situation by asking the kid if he wants to host the show, and then everyone loves him and the kid sleeps with Kulap, on stage.

    is this the plot to the new episode of wheelchair girl?

    • Like 1

  2. Great episode. Pop Lockerman, Paul Rust and Andy Daly were hilarious as always... Although that one lady was pretty annoying. She kept saying "Noooo" or "Woo." It kind of brought me out of enjoying this ep as much as I could have. I hope she reads earwolf forums and sees her flaw, though if she did I'm sure she'd be on here defending herself saying, "THEY WERE LOVING IT! THEY WANTED IT! YOU WERENT THERE!" It reminds me of the I4H recent episode where instead of laughing the guy says "Oh no you didn't," all the time. Which happened to me at the movies while watching The Heat. A young man in the theater seated behind me couldn't help himself from saying "Oh snap!" or "Oh my god," every time he found something funny. Are the people who do this not getting the jokes, but seeing everyone laugh know that it should be funny, but since they aren't naturally laughing, and are embarrassed by their fake laugh, just shouting out words that people might say when something is funny? Should I maybe have saved this diatribe for my Xanga? Find out next time on!

    that sounds hilarious, i gotta hear it. which episode?

  3. Let me get on the "I was there and wanted to punch that lady" bandwagaon. My first live show and it was AMAZING. In our group of four, Paul Rust used my wife's phone for a bit, and my friend was on stage practice heckling Scott for Montreal. Overall AMAZING experience, look forward to the next time CBB is in SD.

    I was back behind the metal fence keeping us plebs from the seated section, so I could barely hear what she was saying. It's a shame she was able to get such a great seat and be loud enough for the mic.


    But that's hilarious that your group got so involved in the show, Paul called Prince on your wife's phone! You gotta get that number man!

  4. Lately however, I've been having to skip through or just not listen to more and more episodes, as Scott's really getting annoying. Stuff like the singing and lame wordplay is self-indulgent and and as Marc Maron put it so well, "precious." It's like hanging with a bunch of theater kids who can do nothing but reiterate the same tired inside jokes over and over again. I can't even listen to the ads anymore as they've gotten so drawn-out and grating that I'd rather miss a few minutes of content than suffer through having Scott do stuff like repeatedly and annoyingly yell "TING!" in my ear for 90 seconds. I wish more guests would tone Scott down a bit. Like in this episode, when Scott kept trying to force the bit about verbalizing every "period" and Ben responded with "This is so stupid." I practically cheered.

    I find Scott's "tired inside jokes and word play" wonderful and he is delightful in every episode. I would kiss him right on the mouth if given the chance, you can take that to the bank!

    • Like 6

  5. Great episode


    But why is PFT's pic not on the main page for the episode?


    Also if you go to imdb.com you can see the names for the first 10 CBB episodes this season


    Andy Samberg Wears a Plaid Shirt and Glasses

    S2, Ep1

    Jul. 12, 2013

    I can't believe we're going to be getting more CBB every week until mid December.

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