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Joe Lerini

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Posts posted by Joe Lerini

  1. Hey guys,


    Don't have anything interesting to post about HH or anything. But I need some catharsis.


    I'm sure you don't give two hoots but I can honestly say my call with Tom has left me crippled. I have been obsessing over what I did wrong. "Why do I sound like a 16 year old girl?" I ask myself. "Why do I sound like someone who just had his wisdom teeth removed??"


    I made the mistake of googling various combinations of my 'name', 'Scharpling' and 'Rush' and found that Andy Kindler thinks I "owe the universe an apology". Some other guy said I seemed like a Wurster character. And another dude picked up on my totally cringe-worthy "I feel like I know you". I haven't slept well in a few days. When I try to sleep, all I can do is fantasize about how I'm going to apologize.


    (I wrote out a huge thing explaining my thoughts and my worries but it's ridiculous to post it here).


    The lesson I learned and want to pass on: NEVER phone in to ANY call in show if you are socially anxious.

    If it makes you feel any better at all, I once had aspirations of becoming a singer. Then I heard myself alongside Jerry Minor and Horatio Sanz on Hooray Show. I have the worst voice ever. It worked for comedic purposes, I guess, but still.

    • Like 6



    5. Chanson's 1st "1st!" post

    4. ranran's like/post ratio thing

    3. ADC - most recent post

    2. Silvrwoman - all posts

    1. Hayes's call in post.


    lmk if I can do anything else 4 u.

    I am heartbroken right now.



    Also, I didn't call into the show because I have terrible anxiety about talking to actual funny people, because I know myself to be painfully unfunny (you've read my posts, you know). I would have happily left a voicemail, which H and S could've deleted without subjecting the fanbase to. Also, because I had work today and don't understand how timezones work.


    'kay, see yinz later.

    • Like 4

  3. Hello little lovelies! A new episode of my podcast, Brother Lovers, is out! The old gang is back together again: Valerie Bryant, Rod Aug, and A Bear. We're not better than ever, but we're still probably just as good. Since Big Brother is over (and the boys hated it) we have switched things up and now the podcast is about any and all things brother-related. Our debut episode with the new format is about Blood Brothers. We talk about the band, the musical, the concept, and the Papa Roach song. Guys, it's silly and I hope you like it.


    Please listen.



    Just letting you know I'm only liking this post because of the Papa Roach thing. I haven't listened to your podcast yet.






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