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Joe Lerini

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Posts posted by Joe Lerini

  1. Real sad to hear Scott's clear acceptance that the S3 DVD shan't see the light of day, worse given how much time they gave to extras yet again. Also guessing Anchor Bay will not bother with Birthday Boys S2 either.

    This makes me sad, too.


    But, Bob, David, PFT, Mike, and Scott all make me happy.


    So this post is bittersweet. *shrug*

  2. Would it be alright with everyone if I discussed the multitude of emotions I went through during this week's Popcorn Gallery, which was the first time a question of mine was used?


    (I'm assuming at this point you're all saying "yes").


    1. Excitement, as Sean Clements reads my name and question.

    2. Delight, as the topic veers comedically away from the question.

    3. Confusion, as Scuzzman gives a matter-of-fact answer to the question.

    4. Shame, as Clements reveals his question selection process and casts aspersions at the quality of chosen questions.

    5. Contentment, as Clements goes on to say that I had a funny question.

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