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Joe Lerini

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Posts posted by Joe Lerini

  1. I dated a coworker once. For a couple years. He emotionally manipulated and verbally abused me every day. He isolated me from any support network. He reduced me to a shell of the person I was. I left him a year ago and I'm still putting the pieces of my psyche back together. The sex was good though. And he's actually the one who got me into podcasts. So I'd say it was a good decision in the end and you should go for it!

    I now feel like an even bigger piece of shit than I did about 11 pages ago. Would it be alright if I apologize again for that garbage bit?

    • Like 4


    this post piqued my interest, so I clicked the link to listen to this previously ignored post. I'm at work, so I plugged my headphones into my laptop, but for some reason the sound still came out of the speakers, so this is probably my last day at this job. Thanks a lot.


    Thanks for listening!


    Liek if yuo cryed when Sean and Hayes stopped fighting and made up


    I didn't. But I did cry watching Word Girl with my 2 year old niece, and Word Girl made up with her best friend. Does that count?
