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Joe Lerini

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Posts posted by Joe Lerini

  1. Is it weird that the photos that pop up on my FB feed in relation to Sean's wedding are making me cry?


    They just looks so happy!


    I must not be the bitter bitch I thought I was.

    This broad, am I right?


    *does dismissive handwank motion*


    Oh hey, last year's rat prom king and queen just got engaged. I have *sniff* no feeling *rubs eyes* one way or the other *reaches for tissues* about this.

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  2. Saw the video of this one and loved it! Added bonus:


    all right i listened to the episode and when it came time, i just couldnt pull the trigger. see, theres one more guy who i have to hear on hollywood handbook. i am working now on building a guillotine out in my shed so if this guy is ever on, i can listen in the stocks, ready to hit the lever that releases the blade as soon as that earwolf/wolfcool sting finishes. please mr hays and mr sean, make my life (literally) complete and have john gemberling on your show some day, even if it is many years from now

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