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Joe Lerini

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Posts posted by Joe Lerini


    In a world where Donald Trump has a chance at becoming president, you COULD very well have that power. Tell you what, if any of this stuff comes true, I owe you a Coke, and you promise to smother me with a pillow. Deal?

    Yes, And you won't even see me coming...for either of those things. Random Coke shows up out of nowhere. Later on, random pillow smotherer shows up out of nowhere.


    It's cool, it's cool. Just be careful what you Yes, And from now on. Someone could have thought you were serious and greenlit Creepshow 4. Then, SyFy buys the rights and makes a new one every year, Uwe Boll comes out of retirement just to direct Creepshow sequels, and before you know it, BOOM, mass genocide. You could have started quite the buttercream effect. We should probably stock up on ether and rags now just in case that ever happens.

    If I knew for a fact that a not-so-great bit from a comedy podcast message board could lead to a straight-to-Syfy horror anthology franchise, no matter how shitty, I'd Yes And every premise under the goddamn sun. Just to know I had that power.


    Heynongman, no one needs to be reminded that Creepshow 3 exists. I'm trying to eat over here. You can replace that with Tales from the Crypt, Vault of Horror, Twilight Zone: The Movie, or hell, From a Whisper to a Scream if you want to get into the deeper cuts. Don't ever bring up that movie...nay, ABOMINATION again, I beg of you.

    Sorry, I was Yes And-ing the idea that Creepshow 2 is my favorite movie. I will bring up Creepshow 3 again, but only in order to say that it is a COLOSSAL piece of shit.

  4. Do yourself a favor and listen to Matt Gourley's other podcasts; Superego, James Bonding, and Pistol Shrimps Radio. All of them are terriffic. Then look up his various guest appearances on shows like Star Wars Minute, Spontaneanation and more.

    P.S. I'm Matt Gourley.

    He's also on every single episode of the Andy Daly PPP. Definitely check those out.

    • Like 3


    Great, you just made want a podcast where Denzel Washington tells people stories about his life and they always interrupt to remind him that they were with him when it happened.

    Either that, or Matt Gourley interviews people that were there (too) during any ol' time in Denzel's life. "I was the MC at a local bar's karaoke night, when Denzel showed up and sang Ina Gadda Da Vida." "When he was in the third grade, I handed Denzel his 'Participant' patch from the Presidential Fitness Challenge." Et cetera.

    • Like 1

  6. Will we still be able to download the new episodes (or the episodes from the past 6 months) from Earwolf.com, or will the website itself only allow streaming?


    Also, will it be just the CBB Best of episodes that will remain up, or will other shows' Best ofs still be available?

  7. Just wanted to say, hearing Scott and Paul however briefly discuss Colt Cabana made me feel really happy, as Colt (in a very roundabout way) was the reason I got into Earwolf podcasts in the first place.


    I had been a somewhat infrequent listener of Colt's podcast (The Art of Wrestling) and he had an episode where he interviewed Hornswoggle (a little person who wrestles in WWE as a leprechaun character), and they discussed Hornswoggle's love of bad movies. Someone on another forum I go to said he'd be a good guest on How Did This Get Made. I like bad movies, and I saw Paul Scheer was a host on the show, and I liked him, so I listened to a bunch of episodes and loved the show. My interest in the other hosts (whom I'd previously been unfamiliar with) led me to other Earwolf shows, and now I come to Earwolf nearly everyday and listen to something.

    • Like 5

  8. I hope Scott and Paul don't get in too much trouble for outing their wives as phobophobes. It's not like anyone who's listened to them hasn't figured that out already.


    Also it was nice that Rob's wife had that last minute pang of love or conscience or just fear of getting caught that made her not follow through on her plan to kill him on their lawn in the dead of night. Which was clearly what she was planning. 'Weird smell' indeed.

    "Rob, do you smell that?!"

    "Smell what, honey?"

    "The smell of death!"



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  9. Better than Obama on WTF


    Paid off better than Serial (which we all know was the first podcast)


    The one question- who gets to keep Bonobos' dick? Or are the Scotts going to share custody?

    It should be framed and hung on the wall somewhere at Earwolf Studio. Preferably the door of the men's room. "Got one of these? C'mon in."

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