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Joe Lerini

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Posts posted by Joe Lerini

  1. At least he's not gonna pull a Stallone in Judge Dredd and refuse to wear the mask (which is how it looked when they showed the first publicity photos). But I totally cringed when he said, "We're some kind of Suicide Squad" in the trailer. If you put the name of your movie in dialogue in the trailer, I'm just going to assume the rest of your writing is shitty and sloppy, too.

    There's a cut scene where Deadshot looks Killer Croc up and down, exclaims "Welcome to Earf" and then punches him in the face.

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  2. Yeah I was shocked that Batman was even going to be in Suicide Squad, even if it's just flashbacks, it seems way too much if they're supposed to be talking about Harley's story. I guess it also depends on what it ends up being in the final cut, it could be just a few flashes of him chasing/capturing her and Joker? I think what I'm most interested in through all of this is Affleck writing/directing/starring in his own standalone Batman movie, hopefully without Joker, and with maybe Poison Ivy please? Solomon Grundy? perhaps even...Firefly?

    Is it too much to ask for Mad Hatter?

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  3. Loved this epidose- just have to say- people in the 80's would have completely understood video phone technology. The Jetsons brought that tech to the table in the 60's. So really, this movie should have used the cartoon as a reference.

    And who could forget the interocitor from 1955's "This Island Earth"?


    *nobody knows what I'm talking about*

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