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Joe Lerini

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Posts posted by Joe Lerini

  1. If you're looking for a good first episode of Hollywood Handbook to try, check out the Pauly Shore episode. REALLY good episode. I know what you're thinking: isn't Pauly Shore an unfunny douchebag? EH... WRONG! He's actually very charming (and nice and funny and smart), and remember when he called Sean a homo?

    You don't know what I'm thinking at all. I loved Bio-Dome.

    • Like 1

  2. True Story: I was up super early listening to this episode, and I came to the forums and saw nobody had said anything about the show yet. I considered posting "HOORAY!" but then I decided I didn't want to steal somebody else's bit. Another True Story: I originally started this post with "Fun Fact" instead of "True Story" but changed it when I realized that my fact was not particularly fun.


    This episode was great, by the way. Though, is it weird that my favorite part is the tiny bit of "Detroit Rock City" thrown in at the very end?

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  3. As one who has listened a few times to HH and chuckled here and there but was never enthusiastic enough to become a consistent listener, I found this episode great, and laughed harder during the table read than I have in a few weeks. I think there is a definite link between the absurdist humor of Scotty Auks and Sean and Hayes'. I don't have a lot of space in my podcast schedule, but if I get some, the first place I'm going to is HH's other table reads for starters.


    And, also, I honestly appreciate the fun the regular HH listeners have with their show. I know what it feels like to be passionate about a podcast I love.

    I had the exact same experience as you. Have we been the same person this whole time?

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    yeah, there's a weird contingent of in denial homophobes (probably sexists too) who are really threatened by a woman making any mention of her sexual orientation.

    Or they're all just really upset that her being a lesbian makes it that much harder for them to post about how much they want to have sex with her. :wub:

    • Like 6

  5. Victor Diamond was featured in this week's Comedy Bang Bang TV show, for those of you who are into that thing.


    Which, is anybody? Nobody really talks about the TV show on here. Is there another forum that I'm not cool enough to know about?

    I'm a fan of the television show. It's quality content. The other forum you're looking for is Twitter, I think. I recall some folks on here saying they simply tweet about the show, rather than discuss it on a forum.

    • Like 1

  6. My problem with Hollywood Handbook is that I'm really not trying to make it in Hollywood! I'm also suspicious of the number of 'close friends' they have. Maybe if they come out with a Manhattan Handbook or something more general like a handbook on how to cauterize snake bites or cook a filet I'll be interested.

    I need a handbook on hands. Mine are always getting calloused or papercuts, and I think a handbook on how to take care of them would really do me some good.

  7. This episode was hilarious but I was disappointed that there were TWO opportunities to say "Technicality no down boo over" and they were not taken despite all of the catchphrases!

    There was also a few times someone said "two more" and Scott didn't reply "It's not a two more."



    This episode is fantastic as hell, though. Love all of these guests.


    Also, here's the Timekeeper's favorite comic book:


    Didn't think I'd get as much out of this pic as I have.

    • Like 1

  8. There are myriad plot holes in this film, but there's one that always bugged me...


    Gina Gershon's character, who we find out had at least a sexual relationship with Troy, really doesn't bat an eyelid when Troy - a cold blooded, psychopathic criminal with a tongue sucking fetish - does a 360 degree turn from being the aforementioned psycho to a sympathetic and contrite man. Indeed, the only time she thinks something is up is when Archer as Troy comments on Troy's clothes, and even then that's quickly forgotten about. And I always found it weird that film asks us to sympathize with her when she's killed by Troy as Archer. Fuck her; she was fraternizing with a next level, cuckoo bananas killer.

    That's a 180.
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