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Joe Lerini

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Posts posted by Joe Lerini

  1. I don't think Scott calling Todd "she" is meant to be a bit, but it becomes a bit because (s)he whines about it every time, which made it especially funny when (s)he just went straight to "Fuck you!" this time. In fact, Todd used some salty language a few times in this episode without Scott ever commenting on it. I feel like he's getting a little lax in his "ersatz" parenting.


    So I guess I'll be excitedly waking up to check Earwolf every Friday morning until that Dabney episode of WSGLL is released.

    Scott had better follow up on this! I demand the next Todd appearance begins with a spanking of his little butt!

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  2. Okay, here's an awkward confession: listening yesterday, whenever the "booty music" would start, but before Lauren started rapping, the bassline being sung reminded me of another song that I couldn't remember the title or most of the lyrics to. It drove me crazy for the rest of the day. Finally the song I was thinking of came to me just a little while ago. So I'm posting it here, just in case anyone else felt a similar frustration.


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  3. I liked this episode. I loved the scene where Eugene was the unfunny husband. I also love Lauren's reference pool (Duck Hunt, "I am not a prize to be won" which was a Jasmine quote from Aladdin).


    I like the musical episodes just fine, even if Matt's guests aren't to my personal taste. They still ultimately lead to great comedy scenes. My favorite performance is still Matt himself singing "It's Not."

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  4. I loved the mc chris skits without knowing who the non-mc chris guy was. It wasn't until the How Did This Get Made episode where John showed up to talk about Street Fighter that I learned who this hilarious dude was. And I've been officially a fan of Gemberlicking ever since. Love his appearances on CBB and I4H. He's amazing.

  5. I also thought Scott Steiner looked like a Hulk Hogan clone when he initially bleached his hair and goatee (before that he had spent years with a clean shaven face and long black mullet). But his character has been so different from Hogan's for years that I initially balked at the idea that Besser could confuse the two. Then I thought about it from a non-wrestling fan's perspective, and it kinda makes sense.


    The actual improv on this episode was very good, by the way. I'm interested to see how the new guys and girls integrate with the regulars.

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  6. I was kinda dreading this Monday, simply because I knew Scott would address Harris's passing and I'd get emotional all over again. Which, I did, but it was tempered by the hilariousness of the rest of the episode. It's five in the morning, I have tears in my eyes, but I'm still laughing so so much to this. I don't know if this post makes sense, but thank you. This was good to listen to.


    By the way, I'm still not clear on something: so, is it okay to jack-off and think about Harris even though he's dead?

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