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Joe Lerini

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Posts posted by Joe Lerini

  1. A View to a Kill the worst Bond movie?


    Objectively? No. The answer will always be a tossup between On Her Majesty's Secret Service (TWO AND A HALF HOURS of watching Bond on the verge of tears) and Live and Let Die (making A View to a Kill not even the worst Roger Moore Bond movie).


    Personally? At least the Moore movies were fun camp. I always thought a lot of the Connery ones were straight up dull. Most of them are glorified Club Med ads as he just cruises around checking in to different resorts. Goldeneye was the best one, balanced out by all the other Pierce Brosnan ones being some of the worst. And I can't get over how massively overrated the Daniel Craig ones are. They're caught in this awkward limbo between trying to be Bourne Identity serious and traditional Bond spectacle.

    Ouch. You listed 2 of my favorites as the worst. I do love me some GoldenEye, though. The only Connery I really found dull was Thunderball. A "climactic" fight underwater (so everyone moves at quarter-speed) AND everyone's wearing black, so I can't tell the good guys from the bad guys? Gee, thanks.

  2. the naso-spelunking scene killed me, especially when Gabrus said "I'd kill to have your hands pick your nose for one minute"


    as a side note, I randomly caught an episode of this travel show on the Esquire network (which is a real thing that exists apparently) called The Getaway and it was Adam Palley, Jon Gabrus and John Gemberling getting drunk and fucking around in Las Vegas. It was heaven I suggest any fans of those guys to try to see it. so funny, I wish I was their friend

    I also caught this, and it was really funny. I'd watch a show where those guys hang out every week.

  3. I'm just adding comments to this post as I listen to the show.


    I'm up to the horse band conversation, and felt compelled to mention this (though it features no actual horses):



    EDIT: I enjoy just hearing this group of people sing Little Drummer Boy together.


    "The housedogs and housecats also wrote a sketch." I laughed so hard at this bit, I'm in tears.


    Looking at the pictures from this ep, see Gourley and Tompkins embracing, and just felt "awwwwwwwww" about it.


    Tiny and Victor describing the plot of The Changeling is wonderful.


    Ho-Ho's introduction + Tompkins's off-mic laughter was GLORIOUS!

    • Like 4


    Let me rephrase. Diamonds Are Forever is much more terrible. But both are bad movies. Die Another Day at least had the cool fight scene on the plane. Maybe it's because I'm younger but the Richard Branson blood diamond bad guy was much more fun than the Howard Hughes Vegas tycoon bad guy. I'm also upset because in On Her Majesty's Secret Service Bond has to do real spycraft to find Blofeldt but at the beginning of Diamonds are Forever he's just ripping girls' tops off and frightening people to find Blofeldt. Then he gets pulled to an apparently completely different case and, lo and behold, there's the man I was looking for all along! In Die Another Day he finds clues that sequentially lead him to the mysterious billionaire who it turns out is the bad guy he's been looking for. That one makes a little more sense. Granted, not a lot.

    I will say that Diamonds Are Forever is a terrible follow-up to OHMSS, which is my favorite Bond film (and one of my all-time favorite films, period). I would've preferred a film-long roaring rampage of revenge against Blofeld, instead of making it the pre-credits sequence so the rest of the movie could be "business as usual". Charles Gray is also a much shittier Blofeld than either Donald Pleasance or Telly Savalas (that may be because of the script rather than Gray's performance, though). But I'll still take 70s lousy filmmaking over early 2000s lousy filmmaking. And I'll also take a Bond film that is actually a Bond film over a backdoor pilot for a Halle Berry franchise.

    • Like 2

  5. So much fun. It feels like forever since I last listened to an HDTGM, but that's because June and Jason have been missed (no offense to the all-stars, who were great in their own ways).


    I am a James Bond fan. I agreed with Mira's assessment of Thunderball. I must say, though, that I LOVE Tim Dalton (he's my favorite Bond). But this show was a treat, and now I feel like I'm gonna have to start listening to James Bonding. Between Superego, I Was There Too, and this, Matt Gourley is definitely my hero right now.

    • Like 3

  6. Not to start anything here, but it really bums me out that someone always has to comment on the physical appearance of the female guests. I know the above 'such a cutie' wasn't that bad, but it does feel like it happens every time. We don't do that with the male guests and it just feels crappy.

    I've heard of Colin Hanks, but cat callin'? No t hanks.

    • Like 2

  7. Was anyone else like,


    *reads title*

    *sees that it's Horatio Sanz*

    *reads title again*


    "OH! I get it!" lol




    Brilliant surprise! I love Horatio's presence & character work on CBB and I4H!

    I read the title, was like "okay?", then I read it out loud, and went "OH, I get it now!"

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